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发表于 2017-10-18 10:02:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2017. J. Anim. Sci. 95(9): 4030-4036

  B. J. Kerr, S. L. Trabue and D. S. Andersen

  本论文开展3个试验(保育猪、生长猪、育肥猪),研究玉米豆粕型日粮或玉米豆粕DDGS型中添加日粮30 ppm盐霉素对日粮养分消化率的影响。试验一,选用64头小母猪(初始重9.0±1.0 kg),试验二选用64头小母猪(初始重81.1±6.1 kg),随机分入单栏饲养,饲养期分别为24天、21天。每个试验的最后2天,收集粪便样品,测算总能和其它养分的全肠道表观消化率。试验三,选用2批24头小母猪(初始重145.1±7.8 kg),随机分入单体代谢笼中,饲喂试验日粮30天,随后6天收集全部粪便,计算总能和养分消化率。试验一结果表明,日粮类型和盐霉素之间在肉料比和许多养分消化率方面存在互作。当日粮为玉米豆粕型日粮时,盐霉素没有提高总能、干物质、碳、硫、磷、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的消化率,甚至部分指标降低;而当日粮为玉米豆粕DDGS时,这些指标均有显著提高(互作,P≤0.05)。尽管盐霉素没有影响日增重和采食量,并改善了玉米豆粕型日粮组肉料比,但是却降低了玉米豆粕DDGS日粮组的肉料比(互作,P≤0.05)。试验二结果表明,日粮类型和盐霉素仅在钙全肠道表观消化率方面有互作(P<0.01),盐霉素对玉米豆粕型日粮钙消化率无影响,而降低玉米豆粕DDGS型日粮钙的消化率。试验三结果表明,日粮类型和盐霉素仅在碳全肠道表观消化率方面有互作(P<0.01)。盐霉素提高了玉米豆粕型日粮碳的表观消化率,而降低了玉米豆粕DDGS日粮碳的全肠道表观消化率。总之,试验数据表明盐霉素效果与动物阶段有关,在9-23kg阶段具有最好的提高生长性能和养分消化率的效果。试验结果同时表明日粮中添加DDGS会降低所有阶段猪只的总能、干物质、钙和氮的消化率。

  Narasin effects on energy, nutrient, and fiber digestibility in corn-soybean meal or corn-soybean meal-dried distillers grains with solubles diets fed to 16-, 92-, and 141-kg pigs

  B. J. Kerr, S. L. Trabue and D. S. Andersen

  Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of narasin on growth performance and on GE and nutrient digestibility in nursery, grower, and finishing pigs fed either a corn-soybean meal (CSBM) diet or a CSBM diet supplemented with distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), in combination with either 0 or 30 mg narasin/kg of diet. In Exp. 1 (64 gilts, initial BW = 9.0 kg, SD = 1.0 kg) and Exp. 2 (60 gilts. initial BW = 81.1 kg, SD = 6.1 kg), gilts were allotted into individual pens and fed their experimental diets for 24 and 21 d, respectively. On the last 2 d of each experiment, fecal samples were collected to assess apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of GE and various nutrients. In Exp. 3, 2 separate groups of 24 gilts (initial BW = 145.1 kg, SD = 7.8 kg) were allotted to individual metabolism crates and fed their experimental diets for 30 d prior to a time-based 6-d total fecal collection period to assess GE and nutrient digestibility. In Exp. 1, there was an interaction between diet type and narasin addition for G:F and for many of the ATTD coefficients measured. When narasin was supplemented to the CSBM diet, ATTD of GE, DM, C, S, phosphorus, NDF, and ADF was either not changed or reduced, while when narasin was supplemented to DDGS diets, these same ATTD parameters were increased (interaction, P ≤ 0.05). Even though ADG and ADFI were not affected, G:F] was improved in pigs fed the CSBM diet with supplemental narasin, but was reduced in pigs fed the DDGS diet with supplemental narasin (interaction, P < 0.05). In Exp. 2, there was an interaction between diet type and narasin supplementation only for ATTD of Ca (interaction, P < 0.01), in that narasin supplementation did not change the ATTD of Ca in pigs fed the CSBM diet, while narasin supplementation reduced the ATTD of Ca in pigs fed the DDGS containing diet. In Exp. 3, there was an interaction between diet and narasin only for ATTD of C (interaction, P <0.01) in that narasin supplementation resulted in an increased ATTD of C inpigs fed the CSBM diet, while narasin supplementation to the DDGS containing diet resulted in a reduced ATTD of Ca. In general, the data indicate that narasin interacted with and had its largest effect on pig performance and GE ornutrient digestibility in 9 to 23 kg pigs compared to pigs weighing greater than 80 kg. The data also indicate that the addition of DDGS reduced GE, DM, Ca, and N digestibility, regardless of BW.

  翻译:朱滔 猪营养国际论坛CSIS

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