2004年8月Asian Economic News报道:荷兰科学家发现当猪在应激,烦躁状态下,会伸直自己的尾巴。这种现象的出现标志着不久猪群里将发生咬尾........
Pigs straighten tails when bored, Dutch scientists say
Asian Economic News, August 23, 2004
Pigs straighten their tails when bored and stressed, Dutch scientists have detected.
This in turn can serve as a warning sign that within days they will start biting each other's tails, a habit that can cause serious injury and death.
Two to three days before pigs start biting each others' tails, they straighten their tail and hide it between their hind legs,'' Johan Zonderland, a researcher from Wageningen University in the Netherlands told Kyodo News. ''The animals stay like that for days until they start biting.''
Zonderland and his collaborators carried out their research over a period of three months. They carefully observed 1,000 pigs that still had their tails.
Most pig farmers cut off their pigs' tails to avoid the risk of tail-biting. Only biological farmers leave the animals as they are.
The research fits into a growing discussion about animal welfare. Animal rights groups say intensive agriculture creates psychological and physical health problems as too many pigs are gathered together in a small area.
It is the first time in the world that in-depth research has been carried out into the reasons behind "tail-biting,'' said Zonderland, whose country is one of the world's major exporters of pork products. These results will make it easier for farmers to detect problems in time. They can give the pigs some extra straw or toys to play with to prevent them hurting one another.''
在对发生咬尾的个体进行观察时发现, 尾巴的空间位置似乎与咬尾有关, 但需要进一
步深入研究。M cGlone (1990) 发现, 当在特定环境下仔猪咬尾时, 猪群中会有近1/3 的猪将尾巴下垂, 而在发生咬尾之前, 尾巴都表现为抬高或卷曲。尾巴的空间位置在猪群中有传递信息的作用, 尾巴下垂可以保护个体的尾巴不被咬到.