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[养猪] 育肥猪屠宰前短期饲喂添加脂肪或DDGS对生长性能和屠体品质的影响

发表于 2017-3-14 09:46:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



K. F. Coble, J. M. DeRouchey, M. D. Tokach,S. S. Dritz, R. D. Goodband and J. C. Woodworth


  本试验的目的就是为了探究屠宰前饲喂30% DDGS和添加5%脂肪对生长性能和屠体品质的影响。本试验选用1258头猪(初始重为105.8±0.1 kg;组一为PIC 337 × 1,050;组二为PIC 327 × 1,050)分为两组,饲喂20天。所有猪只均饲喂含30%DDGS的普通日粮直到屠宰前20天结束。然后,所有猪只称重后分配到各处理中,每个处理20个圈舍作为重复。各处理依据日粮类型(含30%DDGS的玉米-豆粕日粮或不含DDGS的玉米-豆粕日粮)和脂肪的添加量(零添加或添加5%;组一添加牛脂;组二添加精选白色动物油脂)按2×2析因设计进行分组。将日粮配方的标准回肠消化率赖氨酸净能比调整一致。在任何指标都没有发现处理×组间的交互作用。因此可将两个组的数据结合起来进行统计分析。

  总的来说,日粮类型×脂肪添加两个处理对平均日增重有影响的趋势性(P = 0.054),而对肉料比的影响则是显著的(P =0.008)。添加5%脂肪对含30%DDGS日粮组猪只的平均日增重和肉料比的提高幅度(分别是8.6%和10.4%)比玉米-豆粕日粮组猪只相应指标的提高幅度(分别是2%和2.9%)要高。尽管日粮类型并没有影响最终活体重,但饲喂含DDGS日粮的仔猪降低了热屠体重和屠宰率(P < 0.05)。添加5%脂肪并没有影响屠宰率。总的来说,屠宰前20天左右,含有30%DDGS的

Effects of distillers dried grains with solubles and added fat fed immediately before slaughter on growth performance and carcass characteristics of finishing pigs

K. F. Coble, J. M. DeRouchey, M. D. Tokach,S. S. Dritz, R. D. Goodband and J. C. Woodworth

The addition of dietary fat has been shown to increase HCW and carcass yield in pigs fed low-fiber corn-soy diets; however,data on added fat in high-fiber, low-energy diets is less available. Therefore, the potential for dietary fat to ameliorate the negative effect high-fiber diets have on carcass yield during the last 3 wk before slaughter is of high importance. This experiment was conducted to determine the interactive effects of 30% distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and 5% added fat fed before slaughter on growth performance and carcass characteristics. A total of 1,258 pigs in 2 groups (initially 105.8 ± 0.1 kg BW; group 1 PIC 337 × 1,050; group 2 PIC 327 × 1,050) were used in a 20-d experiment. All pigs were fed a common diet with 30% DDGS until 20 d before slaughter. Then, all pens were weighed and allotted to treatments with 20 replicate pens per treatment. Dietary treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial with 2 diet types (corn-soybean meal–based with or without 30% DDGS) and added fat (0 or 5%; group 1 = tallow; group 2 =choice white grease). Diets were formulated to a constant standardized ileal digestible Lys:NE ratio. There were no treatment × group interactions for any response criteria. Thus, data for the 2 groups were combined for analysis. Overall, there was a tendency for a diet type × added fat interaction for ADG(P = 0.054), whereas this was significant for G:F (P = 0.008). This was aresult of 5% added fat increasing ADG and G:F to a greater magnitude for pigs fed the diet containing 30% DDGS (8.6 and 10.4%, respectively) than for pigs fed the corn-soy diet (2.0 and 2.9%, respectively). Although diet type did not affect final live BW, pigs fed the diet containing DDGS had decreased HCW and carcass yield (P < 0.05). Adding 5% fat did not affect carcass yield. In conclusion, adding 5% fat to finishing pig diets containing 30% DDGS approximately 20 d before slaughter improved ADG and G:F but did not overcome the reduction in carcass yield from feeding DDGS.

翻译: 李光燃    来源: 猪营养国际论坛CSIS

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