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[养猪] 后备母猪保育期饲养密度对其生长性能、生理机能和血液指标的影响

发表于 2017-3-7 09:31:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



S. R. Callahan, A. J. Cross, A. E.DeDecker, M. D. Lindemann and M. J. Estienne


  设计一个3 × 3析因设计,从13组断奶仔猪中按体型分为大、中、小挑选若干小母猪(n = 2537;体重= 5.6 ± 0.6 kg),按每圈养14、11或8头分别形成头均占地面积分别为0.15、0.19和0.27m2/头。试验猪只在第0天(断奶当天)和第46天(保育期结束)进行称重。

  平均日增重受到饲养密度和猪只体型大小的交互作用(P = 0.04)。对于体型较大或中型的小母猪在最小饲养密度下的平均日增重比最高饲养密度下生活的同等体型小母猪要低(P < 0.05),但饲养密度对于小体型母猪来说影响不大(P> 0.05)。保育期的死亡率并没有受到处理、体型或饲养面积×体型的影响,总起来看都在2.1%左右。每个组内选取若干头小母猪(n=18/饲养密度处理组)在试验的第6天和第43天采血进行全血细胞计数和血液化学分析。饲养密度最高组(0.15m2/头)的小母猪的红细胞分布广度最大,网状细胞的浓度和比例都是最低的(P < 0.01)。血钙也受到处理的影响(P = 0.02),且饲养密度中低组小母猪的血钙浓度比饲养密度高组小母猪的血钙浓度更低(P < 0.05)。血浆皮质醇浓度并没有受到处理×实验天数的影响(P = 0.27)。各组试验猪血浆中皮质醇浓度从第6天到第43天有所增加,但这是受时间周期的影响(P < 0.01)而不是处理差异导致的(P = 0.53)。


Effects of group-size-floor space allowance during the nursery phase of production on growth, physiology, and hematology in replacement gilts

S. R. Callahan, A. J. Cross, A. E. DeDecker, M. D. Lindemann and M. J. Estienne

The objective was to determine effects of nursery group-size-floor space allowance on growth, physiology, and hematology of replacement gilts. A 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was used where in gilts classified as large, medium, or small (n = 2537; BW = 5.6 ± 0.6kg) from 13 groups of weaned pigs were placed in pens of 14, 11, or 8 pigs resulting in floor space allowances of 0.15, 0.19, or 0.27 m2/pig, respectively. Pigs were weighed on d 0 (weaning) and d 46 (exit from nursery). The ADG was affected by group-size-floor space allowance × pig size (P = 0.04). Large-and medium-size gilts allowed the most floor space had greater (P <0.05) ADG than similar size gilts allowed the least floor space but for smallsize gilts there was no effect (P > 0.05) of group size-floor space allowance. Mortality in the nursery was not affected (P > 0.05) by treatment, size, or treatment × size and overall was approximately 2.1%. Complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses were performed on samples collected at d 6 and 43 from a subsample of gilts (n = 18/group-size-floor space allowance) within a single group. The concentration (P < 0.01) and percentage (P = 0.03) of reticulocytes was the least and red blood cell distribution width the greatest (P < 0.01) in gilts allowed 0.15 m2 floor space (effects of treatment). Blood calcium was affected by treatment (P =0.02) and concentrations for gilts allowed the greatest and intermediate amounts of floor space were greater (P < 0.05) than for gilts allowed the least floor space. Serum concentrations of cortisol were not affected by treatment × day (P = 0.27). Cortisol concentrations increased from d 6 to d 43 in all groups and were affected by day (P < 0.01) but not treatment (P =0.53). Greater space allowance achieved by placing fewer pigs per pen in the nursery affected blood parameters and resulted in large- and medium-size replacement gilts displaying increased ADG. Further study will determine if these effects influence lifetime reproductive capacity and sow longevity.


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