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[其他] 百奥明®BBSH 797获得欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)在所有家禽中的正面评价

发表于 2017-2-15 09:22:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Positive EFSA Opinion for Mycofix® Ingredient Biomin®BBSH797for All Avian Species
百奥明®BBSH 797获得欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)在所有家禽中的正面评价
16 January 2017–The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has just publisheda positive Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Biomin® BBSH 797 forthe application in poultry feed.
2017年1月16日,欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)发布了Biomin® BBSH 797在家禽饲料中安全性和有效性的正面科学评价。
Genuine biotransformation
EFSA acknowledged the efficacy of Biomin®BBSH 797 in safelybiotransformingtrichothecenesinto non-toxic compounds in the gastrointestinaltract of poultry, as demonstrated in numerous feeding trials.
欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)确认,Biomin®BBSH 797经过大量动物实验验证,能够在家禽的消化道内,安全有效地把单端孢霉烯族类的霉菌毒素生物转化为无毒的代谢产物。
"In vitroand in vivo studies showed that theinclusion of the additive at the recommended dose of 1.7 x 108CFU/kg was effective in reducing contaminating DON in feed whengiven to avian species with a concomitant production of the less toxic de-epoxymetabolite,"read the EFSA Opinion.
EFSA表示,通过体内和体外的研究表明,在家禽饲料中以1.7 x 108 CFU/kg的推荐剂量添加该添加剂,可以有效地降解呕吐毒素,产生无毒的脱环氧基化合物。
Beside in vitroand ex vivo studies, the efficacy wasproven by in vivo studies in chickensand turkeys for fattening and laying hens. In all three, the inclusion of theadditive returned the concentration of DON in excreta to or below the levelseen in the uncontaminated control group.
Absolute protection
“This is a promising step in achieving an additionalEU authorization for Biomin®BBSH 797.Stringent EFSAguidelines set a high barfor additive manufacturers.BIOMIN is the only company that has providedsufficient in vivo data to prove productefficacy and receive EUauthorization for mycotoxin deactivation,” stated UrsulaHofstetter, Director Competence Center Mycotoxins at BIOMIN.
BIOMIN产品总监Ursula Hofstetter表示:“Biomin®BBSH 797获得欧盟的又一项授权,是前途无量的关键一步。严苛的欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)对添加剂生产商设立了高门槛,BIOMIN是唯一一个给欧盟提供了足够的体内试验数据来证明产品功效、并获得欧盟批准霉菌毒素解毒剂的公司。”
EFSA just recently published a positive scientific opinionon the safety and efficacy of another Mycofix® ingredient—FUMzyme®— for the application in feedforall avian species in November 2016.
The mycotoxin threat
According to recently published scientificfindings (1),more than 79% of 1113 feed and raw commodity samples tested containeddeoxynivalenol.Deoxynivalenol, a member of thetrichothecene family also known as vomitoxin, isa well-known mycotoxin that has been linked to feed refusal, impaired guthealth, diarrhea and pastyvents, decreased resistance to environmental and microbial stressors andincreased susceptibility to disease.
Proven safety
Biomin®BBSH 797 was shown to be safe for birds.According to the opinion, "Chickens for fattening, turkeys for fatteningand laying hens show no adverse effects when the additive is added to diets ateither x10 or x1000 the recommended dose." Furthermore, the "FEEDAPPanel concludes that the additive is safe for the consumer and environment."
Biomin®BBSH 797对家禽是安全的。EFSA的评价表示:“根据建议添加量的10倍或1000倍添加于日粮中,对于肉鸡、火鸡和蛋鸡,没有表现出任何不良影响。”此外,欧盟动物饲料添加剂和产品评审组(FEEDAP Panel)认为,”该添加剂对消费者和环境是安全的。”
Method of choice
Due to the molecular structure of trichothecenes,adsorptive substances, or binders, are not effectiveto counteract trichothecenes.Biomin®BBSH797 isthe first-ever EU authorized microorganism thatbiotransformstrichothecenes into harmless metabolites.
由于单端孢霉烯族霉菌毒素分子结构的特殊性,吸附剂不能有效地吸附该类毒素。Biomin®BBSH 797是第一个获得欧盟批准的能将单端孢霉烯族霉菌毒素生物降解为无毒代谢产物的微生物。
“One thing that makes Mycofix® unique is the biotransformationstrategy, which has been shown to be consistently safe and effective,” said MsHofstetter. Biotransformation works by transforming non-adsorbable mycotoxinsinto harmless substances without any side effects for livestock.
Ursula Hofstetter女士表示:“百奥明脱毒剂Mycofix®®的独特性,是它的生物转化策略,而且被证明是安全和有效的。”生物转化针对不能被吸附的霉菌毒素,转化成无毒成分,对畜禽没有任何副作用。
About Mycofix®
Mycofix® represents the most innovative, broadspectrum product for mycotoxin risk management in livestock. It leverages athree-pronged strategy, including biotransformation, adsorption andbioprotection. Biomin®BBSH 797isthe first-ever EU authorized microorganism thatbiotransformstrichothecenes into harmless metabolites. It received initial EUauthorization for pigs in 2013.
百奥明脱毒剂Mycofix®代表在畜禽霉菌毒素风险管理方面最创新的、广谱的产品。它综合了三种策略处理霉菌毒素:生物转化、吸附和生物保护。Biomin®BBSH 797是首次获得欧盟授权的将单端孢霉烯族霉菌毒素生物降解为无毒代谢产物的微生物。在2013年就获得在猪用产品方面的欧盟授权。
(1)       Kovalsky et al.Co-Occurrence of Regulated, Masked and Emerging Mycotoxins and SecondaryMetabolites in Finished Feed and Maize—An Extensive Survey. Toxins 2016, 8,363.
This news item isrelevant to poultry.
For additional information on the news that is thesubject of this release, contact media@biomin.netor visit www.biomin.net.
At BIOMIN we harness thepower of science to support animal health and performance. By applyingstate-of-the-art and proprietary technology we deliver natural, sustainable andprofitable solutions to the livestock industry. For over 30 years we havepioneered innovative solutions for mycotoxin risk management and gutperformance. Naturally Ahead.

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