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[养猪] 【猪】日粮中钙与磷对用限位饲养和群养母猪繁殖性能和骨代谢标志物的影响

发表于 2016-12-5 11:05:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016. J. Anim. Sci. 94(10):4205-4216   
F. P. Y. Tan, S. A. Kontulainen 和 A. D.Beaulieu
  生产性能的提高和新的猪舍标准迫使对母猪的营养需要包括矿物质要有一个新的重估。本研究旨在确定日粮中钙磷推荐量对有更多可移动空间的群养母猪是否是足够的。180头经产母猪分为6个处理。各处理按3×2析因设计进行设置,将日粮钙磷比作为主因素设置如下0.70:0.55%Ca:P(对照组)、0.60:0.47% Ca:P (低Ca:P组)和 0.81:0.63% Ca:P(高Ca:P组)猪舍条件分为限位饲养和散群饲养。当母猪产后4到5周由产房转移到妊娠舍时试验开始。母猪刚开始饲喂量为2.3 kg/d。分娩前2周饲喂量增加到3.0 kg/d。群养母猪可在独立的栏位前进行采食,采食后可进入休息区休息。在试验开始和妊娠第100天采集母猪血清样,在泌乳中期和断奶前采集母猪血清样和奶样。日粮和猪舍条件对产仔总数、出生至断奶平均日增重和断奶重均无影响(P > 0.10)。与限位饲养相比群养母猪所产仔猪的活仔数和出生重有所提高,而这两项指标并没有受到母猪日粮的影响(P > 0.10)。在妊娠后期,低Ca:P组群养母猪的血清中钙水平降低(日粮与猪舍条件交互作用,P = 0.02)且低Ca:P组群养母猪血清中的磷水平(妊娠28天至100天之间)有极大的降低(日粮与猪舍条件交互作用,P = 0.04)。骨钙素和吡啶分别作为骨骼形成和再吸收的指示剂并没有受到日粮和猪舍条件的影响(P > 0.10)。本研究结果表明NRC中日粮钙磷的推荐量对于限位饲养或群养的现代母猪来说均是足够的。

Effects of dietary calcium and phosphorus on reproductive performance and markers of bone turnover in stall- or group-housed sows
F. P. Y. Tan, S. A. Kontulainen and A. D. Beaulieu
Increasing productivity and new housing standards necessitate a reevaluation of nutrient requirements for sows,including minerals. The objective of this study was to determine if there commended levels of dietary Ca and P are adequate for sows housed in groups and that, therefore, have the potential for increased mobility. A total of 180 multiparous sows and gilts were assigned to 1 of 6 treatments. Treatments, arranged as a 3 × 2 factorial, included the main effects of dietary Ca:P - 0.70:0.55% Ca:P (as-fed basis; control), 0.60:0.47% Ca:P (as-fed basis;Low CaP), and 0.81:0.63% Ca:P (as-fed basis; High CaP) - and housing - stalls or groups. The trial was initiated when sows were moved from the breeding stalls to the gestation room at wk 4 or 5 after breeding. Sows were initially fed 2.3 kg/d. This allotment was increased to 3.0 kg/d 2 wk prior to farrowing.Group-housed sows, fed in individual stalls, were allowed access to a loafing area after feeding. Serum samples were collected at the start of the trial and on d 100 of gestation, and both serum and milk samples were collected at mid lactation and prior to weaning. Neither diet nor housing had an effect on the total number of piglets born, ADG from birth to weaning, or weaning weight (P> 0.10). The number of live-born piglets and birth weight were unaffected by diet (P > 0.10) but were improved by group housing relative to stalls (P< 0.05). In late gestation, group-housed sows fed the Low CaP diet had reduced serum Ca (diet × housing interaction, P = 0.02), and the greatest reduction (between d 28 and 100 of gestation) in serum P level was observed in group-housed sows fed the Low CaP diet (diet × housing interaction, P = 0.04). Osteocalcin and pyridinoline, markers of bone formation and resorption, respectively, were unaffected by diet or housing (P > 0.10). Results from these studies imply that the level of dietary Ca and P recommended by the NRC is adequate for sows of modern genetics, whether housed in stalls or groups.

翻译:李光燃 来源:猪营养国际论坛CSIS

发表于 2016-12-17 16:05:42 | 显示全部楼层
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