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[养猪] 生长猪日粮中一种新型大豆浓缩蛋白和豆粕的能量、氨基酸和磷的消化率

发表于 2016-11-29 17:03:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2016. J.Anim. Sci. 94(8): 3343-3352
M. S.Oliveira 和H. H. Stein

  本研究包含三个试验旨在分析一种新的大豆浓缩蛋白 (SPC) 和豆粕(SBM)中粗蛋白和氨基酸的标准回肠消化率 (SID) 、消化能和代谢能以及磷的表观总肠道消化率(ATTD)和标准总肠道消化率(STTD)。

试验一选用9头回肠末端插有T型瘘管的去势公猪(初始体重:13.08±1.98 kg),试验采用含三种日粮三个阶段的3 × 3拉丁方设计。第一组是无氮日粮,另外两组分别使用玉米淀粉和SPC、玉米淀粉和SBM,其中SPC和SBM作为日粮唯一的蛋白和氨基酸来源。7天为一阶段,每个阶段的第6天和第7天收集回肠食糜。SPC中Ile、Leu、Phe、Pro和Tyr 的标准回肠消化率比SBM中相应氨基酸的要高(P < 0.05) ,但对于粗蛋白和其它氨基酸,SPC和SBM之间并没有区别。试验二选用24头去势公猪(初始体重:13.94 ± 1.34 kg)分别饲养于个体代谢笼中,随机配以以下三种日粮。一个是玉米基础日粮(含96.9%的玉米),另两个分别是玉米和SPC型日粮、玉米和SBM型日粮。每种日粮分给8头猪。粪样和尿样用点对点法收集,前5天为适应期,后5天为粪尿收集期,SPC和SBM的消化能和代谢能用不同步骤测定。结果显示SBM中总能的表观总肠道消化率比玉米的低(P < 0.05)且SPC的消化能和代谢能比玉米和SBM的高 (P < 0.01) 。试验三采用完全随机的区组设计,将40头去势公猪(初始体重: 14.12 ± 2.08 kg)置于代谢笼中,每组10头猪,饲喂以下四种日粮。前两组日粮分别以SPC和SBM作为唯一磷源。另外两组分别在前两组基础上添加微生物植酸酶。前5天为适应期,后5天收集粪样,且对磷的表观总肠道消化率和标准总肠道消化率进行检测。SPC和SBM日粮中磷的表观总肠道消化率和标准总肠道消化率并没有差异,但微生物植酸酶加入后SPC和SBM中磷的表观总肠道消化率和标准总肠道消化率得到提高(P < 0.01)。


Digestibility of energy, amino acids, and phosphorus in a novel source of soy protein concentrate and in soybean meal fed to growing pigs
M. S. Oliveira and H. H. Stein
Three experiments were conducted to determine standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and AA, DE and ME, and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) and standardized total tract digestibility (STTD) of P in a new source of soy protein concentrate (SPC) and in soybean meal (SBM). In Exp. 1, 9 barrows (initial BW: 13.08 ± 1.98 kg) were prepared with a T-cannula in the distal ileum and allotted to a triplicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3 diets and3 periods. A nitrogen-free diet and 2 diets that contained corn starch and SPC or SBM as the sole source of CP and AA were formulated. Each period lasted 7 d, and ileal digesta were collected on d 6 and 7 of each period. The SID for Ile, Leu, Phe, Pro, and Tyr was greater (P < 0.05) in SPC than in SBM, but for CP nd all other AA, no difference between SPC and SBM was observed. In Exp. 2, 24 barrows (initial BW: 13.94 ± 1.34 kg) were housed individually in metabolism crates and randomly allotted to 1 of 3 diets. A corn-based diet (96.9% corn) and 2 diets that contained corn and SPC or corn and SBM were formulated. Each diet was fed to 8 pigs. Feces and urine samples were collected using the marker to marker method with 5-d adaptation and 5-d collection periods. The DE and ME in SPC and SBM were calculated using the difference procedure. Results indicated that the ATTD of GE was lower (P < 0.05) in SBM than in corn and the DE and ME in SPC were greater (P < 0.01) than in corn and SBM. In Exp. 3, 40 barrows (initial BW: 14.12 ± 2.08 kg) were placed in metabolism crates and allotted to 4 diets in a randomized complete block design with 10 pigs perdiet. Two diets were based on SPC or SBM as the sole source of P. Two additional diets were formulated by adding microbial phytase to diets that were otherwise similar to the 2 initial diets. Feces were collected for 5 d after a5-d adaptation period and values for ATTD and STTD of P were calculated. No differences were observed in ATTD and STTD of P between SPC and SBM, but the ATTD and STTD of P of both SPC and SBM were greater (P < 0.01) if microbial phytase was added to the diets. In conclusion, the concentrations of DE and ME are greater in SPC than in SBM, but the SID of most AA and the STTD of P are not different between SPC and SBM.

翻译:李光燃  来源:猪营养国际论坛CSIS
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