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发表于 2016-3-1 14:21:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016.J. Anim. Sci. 94(1): 155-164
A. V. Strathe, T. S. Bruun, J.-E. Zerrahn, A.-H. Tauson和C. F. Hansen
本试验旨在研究提高日粮缬氨酸与赖氨酸比率(Val:Lys)对高产母猪(带仔数超过12头)的影响。558头产后两天的母猪被随机分配饲喂6种日粮,每窝14头仔猪。日粮Val:Lys分别为0.84、0.86、0.88、0.90、0.95和0.99:1。试验选用558头母猪,在妊娠108天、产后2天和产后25天(断奶)记录每头母猪的背膘厚(BF)和窝重。从中选择72头母猪,测定产后第17天体重和背膘厚、产后10天和17天时仔猪窝重,每周采集血液和尿液样品。日粮Val:Lys不影响窝断奶仔猪数(13.0± 1.1头,P =0.23)。窝平均日增重(2.93± 0.53 kg/d; P = 0.84)、断奶窝重(P= 0.67)、平均产奶量(11.3± 1.4 kg/d; P = 0.49)、乳脂(P= 0.57)、乳蛋白(P= 0.18)和乳糖(P= 0.20)含量均不受日粮Val:Lys的影响。随着日粮Val:Lys增加,乳中缬氨酸(P< 0.05)和异亮氨酸(P < 0.01)明显增加。分娩后2-17天、17-25天和2-25天期间所有处理组母猪体重和背膘厚的变化相似(P> 0.05)。泌乳期,母猪平均体重损失22.1 ± 12.7 kg,背膘损失2.9± 1.7 mm。血液葡萄糖(P = 0.26)、乳糖(P= 0.95)、尿氮(P= 0.84)、游离脂肪酸(P= 0.24)和肌酐浓度(P= 0.42),以及肌酐尿素(P= 0.57)、全血氨基酸水平(P> 0.05)均不受日粮Val:Lys影响。结论,日粮Val:Lys超过0.84:1对泌乳母猪代谢和窝产性能没有影响。
The effect of increasing the dietary valine-to-lysine ratio on sow metabolism, milk production, and litter growth
A. V. Strathe, T. S. Bruun, J.-E. Zerrahn, A. -H. Tauson and C. F. Hansen
A study was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing the dietary valine-to-lysine ratio (Val:Lys) for lactating sows weaning more than 12 piglets. Five hundred fifty-eight sows (parity 1 to 4) were allotted to 6 dietary treatments from 2 d post partum, when litters were standardized to 14 piglets. Diets were analyzed to have a total dietary Val:Lys of 0.84, 0.86, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95, or 0.99:1. On all 558 sows, BW, back fat thickness (BF), and litter weight were registered at d 108 of gestation and d 2 and 25 (weaning) post partum. On a subsample of 72 sows, additional measurements were made: sow BW and BF were measured on d 17 and litter weight was measured on d 10 and 17, and blood and urine samples were collected weekly. The litter size at weaning was not affected by the dietary Val:Lys (P = 0.23) and, on average, the sows weaned 13.0 ± 1.1 piglets. Average daily gain of the litter (2.93 ± 0.53 kg/d; P = 0.84), litter weight at weaning (P = 0.67), the average milk yield (11.3 ± 1.4 kg/d; P = 0.49), and milk contents of fat (P = 0.57), protein (P = 0.18), and lactose (P = 0.20) were not affected by the dietary Val:Lys. Increasing the dietary Val:Lys increased the milk concentration of Val (P < 0.05) and Ile(P < 0.01). The change in sow BW and BF were similar for all sows from d 2 to 17, d 17 to 25, and d 2 to 25 (P > 0.05). During lactation, sows, on average, had a BW and back fat loss of 22.1 ± 12.7 kg and 2.9 ± 1.7 mm, respectively. Plasma concentrations of glucose (P =0.26), lactate (P = 0.95), urea N (P = 0.84), NEFA (P= 0.24), and creatinine (P = 0.42); urine concentration of creatinine(P = 0.57); and concentrations of AA in whole blood (P >0.05) were not affected by the dietary Val:Lys. In conclusion, there was no effect of increasing the total dietary Val:Lys above 0.84:1 on sow metabolism and litter performance during lactation.

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