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[畜牧英语] 8-12kg猪标准回肠可消化(SID)亮氨酸和赖氨酸的推荐比例

发表于 2016-3-1 11:25:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2015. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 2218-2224


  E. A. Soumeh, J. van Milgen, N. M. Sloth, E. Corrent, H. D. Poulsen 和J. V. Nørgaard

  本试验目的在于研究在断奶仔猪饲喂低蛋白日粮时亮氨酸的需要量。通过设计不同亮氨酸含量的日粮,预测断奶仔猪最佳生长性能时标准可消化亮氨酸和赖氨酸的比例。本试验选取96头雌猪(初始重8kg),分为6组,每组16头,每头猪单栏饲养。日粮中添加不同水平的L-亮氨酸,使日粮标准回肠可消化亮氨酸和赖氨酸比例依次为0.7、0.8、0.9、1.0、1.1、 1.2。日粮赖氨酸水平为推荐量的90%。试验期两周,记录日均采食量、日增重和增重耗料比。试验期间每周结束时采取血样和尿样。当SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸从0.7提高到0.8时日均采食量线性增加(P<0.001),随后保持稳定。日增重随SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸的提高(从0.7至0.9)呈二次线性关系(P=0.02),在0.9继续提高至1.2时日增重没有变化。增重耗料比随SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸的提高呈二次线性关系(P<0.001),SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸在0.8时,增重耗料比最佳。随着SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸的提高,血浆亮氨酸含量也线性增加(P<0.001),并且其与血浆胱氨酸含量呈二次线性关系。其它大多数氨基酸在日粮SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸在0.9至1.0时血浆中的含量最低。血浆尿素氮在SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸在1.0时最低(P=0.08),表明在此状况下日粮氨基酸更加平衡。曲线-折线模型结果表明,8-12kg雌猪在日粮SID亮氨酸/赖氨酸在0.93时生长性能最佳。

  The optimum ratio of standardized ileal digestible leucine to lysine for 8 to 12 kg female pigs

  E. A. Soumeh, J. van Milgen, N. M. Sloth, E. Corrent, H. D. Poulsen and J. V. Nørgaard

  The objective of the study was to estimate Leu requirement for weaned piglets to balance indispensable AA in reduced CP diets. A dose-response experiment was conducted to estimate the standardized ileal digestible (SID) Leu to Lys ratio required for the maximum growth of young pigs after weaning. In this study, 96 female pigs (initial BW of 8 kg) were allotted to 1 of 6 dietary treatments with 16 individually penned pigs per treatment. Graded levels of crystalline l-Leu were added to a basal diet to provide diets containing 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00, 1.10, and 1.20 SID Leu:Lys. Lysine was limiting and fulfilled 90% of the current recommendations. The ADFI, ADG, and G:F were determined during a 2 wk experimental period. Blood and urine samples were taken at the end of each wk. The ADFI increased linearly (P < 0.001) from 0.70 to 0.80 SID Leu:Lys and then remained constant from 0.90 to 1.20 SID Leu:Lys. The ADG showed a quadratic increase (P = 0.02), as the SID Leu:Lys level increased from 0.70 to 0.90 SID Leu:Lys and did not change further from 0.90 to 1.20 SID Leu:Lys. The G:F increased quadratically (P < 0.001) with increasing SID Leu:Lys level, and the greatest G:F was achieved with pigs receiving the diet with 0.80 SID Leu:Lys. Increasing the dietary SID Leu:Lys resulted in a linear increase in plasma Leu concentration (P < 0.001) and quadratic increases (P < 0.001) in plasma Cys concentration. The plasma concentration of most of the other AA was lowest in pigs receiving the diets with 0.90 to 1.00 SID Leu:Lys. The plasma urea nitrogen concentration tended (P = 0.08) to be lowest in pigs receiving 1.00 SID Leu:Lys, suggesting a more balanced AA profile at this level. Using a curvilinear-plateau model, the SID Leu:Lys requirement was estimated at 0.93 to maximize growth in female pigs weighing 8 to 12 kg。



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