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[养猪技术] 第三十三期:赖氨酸限制-充足饲喂模式对生长肥育猪补偿生长的影响

发表于 2016-2-24 16:07:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016. J.Anim.Sci. 94(1): 255-266
L. Cloutier, M.-P. Létourneau-Montminy,J. F. Bernier, J. Pomar C.Pomar
通过3个饲养阶段,每阶段28天,研究赖氨酸前期限制后期足量供给对生长猪性能的影响。试验选用47头去势公猪(GPerformer 8.0 × Fertilis 25; Genetiporc 公司,圣伯纳德,QC,加拿大;初始体重26.7±2.7 kg),每天给予赖氨酸需要量的70%100%,根据以下5种排序中的1种:7070707070100701007070100100100100100(各个排序中数字分别表示第123阶段赖氨酸添加量)。通过猪每天的实际体重、采食量和增重预估每头猪每天的赖氨酸需要量。第1阶段结束时,给予100%赖氨酸需要量组的猪只平均采食量(ADFIP= 0.01)、平均日增重(ADGP< 0.01)和日均蛋白沉积量(P < 0.01)均明显高于给予70%赖氨酸需要量组的猪只。第23阶段的试验结果与阶段一结果一致。第2阶段结束时,70-100组猪只没有表现出任何补偿反应,其ADFIADG和日均蛋白沉积量与100-100组猪只没有明显差异。第3阶段有类似的结果。尽管生长期没有观察到任何补偿生长,但70-100-100处理的猪在体重和体蛋白含量方面能够赶上100-100-100处理的猪,这一现象表明确实发生了小程度的补偿增长。本试验研究结果不能判定补偿生长的存在。
Effect of a lysine depletion–repletionprotocol on the compensatory growth of growing-finishing pigs
L. Cloutier, M.-P. Létourneau-Montminy,J. F. Bernier, J. Pomar and C. Pomar
The effect of Lys restriction followedby a repletion period on the performance of growing pigs was studied during 3feeding phases, each lasting 28 d. A total of 47 castrated male pigs (GPerformer 8.0 × Fertilis 25 pigs; Genetiporc Inc., Saint-Bernard, QC, Canada;initial BW of 26.7 ± 2.7 kg) were given each d 70% or 100% of their Lys requirementsaccording to 1 of the following 5 sequences: 70–70–70, 70–70–100, 70–100–70,70–100–100, or 100–100–100 (for each sequence, numbers indicate the Lys supplypercentage in phase 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Individual Lys requirementswere estimated daily on the basis of each pig’s actual BW and feed intake andBW gain patterns obtained by regression using each pig’s historical data. Atthe end of phase 1, the pigs given 100% of their Lys requirements had higherADFI (P = 0.01), ADG (P < 0.01), and average daily protein deposition (P< 0.01) than did the pigs given 70% of their requirements. Similar resultswere observed during phases 2 and 3. At the end of phase 2, the pigs in the70–100 sequence did not display any compensatory response, given that theirADFI, ADG, and average daily protein deposition did not differ from those ofthe pigs in the 100–100 sequence. Similar results were observed during phase 3.Although no compensatory growth was observed during the growing phases, thefact that the pigs in the 70–100–100 treatment were able to catch up in termsof BW and body protein mass to the pigs in the 100–100–100 sequence couldindicate that a small degree of compensation did occur; these research resultscannot ascertain that any compensatory growth occurred.

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