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动物医院的恶劣顾客12症状 转发

发表于 2013-8-14 15:19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1咨询时要有最好的服务, 需要付钱免谈

Supply best service is the Vet's duty, but pay for this is not my duty

2兽医必须要有爱心,爱心=廉价 最好是免费

The vet. must with love, love equal low charge, free is better

3特别叮咛治疗一定要用最好的药, 付费时却只愿付最少的费用

Require using the best medicine for his pet, but payless to the Vet.


He is so happy that his dog bite the Vet.


Given away his pet but waiting the Vet.thanks for get a gift

6狗咬了兽医还说 : 我的狗从来不咬 ""

My dog never bite "man", saidafter his dog bite the Vet. (Vet. is not a Man?)


Always believe "my friend said"but not the Vet. said

8管他甚麼检查, 解说病情也免了, 只要打叁针就走人

Coolly say : do not explain too much justgive my pet 3 shots


Always asking questions but never rememberthe answers

10以為兽医都不用睡觉, 小病也要急诊

Make emergency call, said Dr. my dog hasflea!

11好像他就是兽医, 一进医院就说我的狗感冒了帮牠打几针吧!

He just like a Vet. make diagnosis for hispet


In the Vet. clinic like be in a flea marketbargain the medical charge

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