Estimating Water Usage on Michigan Swine Farms 美国密歇根猪场用水量计算 JerryMay Michigan State University Extension EstimatingWater Used by Swine Farms in Michigan 密歇根猪场用水量估算 Swine farms use well water for wateringanimals, cleaning facilities, animal cooling and in some instances for movingmanure from the barn to the storage structure. Most pigs are raised in an all-in/all-out environments where one groupof pigs, at the same stage of production, is moved into a location and staysthere until that group is ready to move to the next location or on toslaughter. Between groups the facilityis thoroughly cleaned by pre-soaking and/or pressure washing. In the summer, during periods of extremeheat, pigs may be cooled by using drippers which emit small drops of waterperiodically on the animals back, or by misters giving off a small mist ofwater intermittently to cool the room. Some farms use well water to flush manure from the barn to the manurestorage structure, but this practice is not very widespread in Michigan and thereforethat water was not considered in these calculations. 猪场用水主要用于猪饮水,清洗猪舍,猪只降温还有粪便从猪舍转移到化粪池用水(水泡粪)。大多数的猪群都饲养在一个全进全出的环境中,同一批次的猪,处于同一饲养阶段,同时转移到一个地点,然后同时等待转移到下一地点或等待屠宰淘汰。在两个批次的猪转出转入之间,猪舍设备要经过预浸泡和高压冲洗。 尤其在夏季非常炎热时期,还需要加湿器在猪的背部上方间歇性的喷洒小水滴,或者向空气中喷雾降温(大多采用水帘)。很多猪场都采用用水冲洗粪便到化粪池,但是在密歇根地区还不是很普及,所以在本文中没有考虑进去。 Table 1 provides the estimateddaily water consumption by pigs of various sizes. The range in daily water consumption withineach stage of production is dependant on temperature and water conservationpractices on the farm. For this examplethe average of the range will be used to estimate daily water use. 表1提供了不同生长阶段猪的用水量,不同数值的区间范围依赖于环境温度和猪场的节水措施,这些数据可以为每天用水作为参考。 Table 1: Water requirements of pigs1 Animal type | L/头/天 | Animal type | L/头/天 | | | Finishing pig (100 – 250# BW) | | Nursery pig (up to 60# BW) | | | | Growing pig (60 – 100# BW) | | | | | | | |
1Swine Care Handbook Michigan’s averagedaily and annual water consumption for pigs at various stages of production isprovided in Table 2. The Hog & Piginventory information is from the 2002-2003Michigan Agriculture Statistics (NASS). Hog and pig inventories fluctuate from Quarter to Quarter, therefore the2002 April 1, June1, September1, and December 1 inventories were averaged toreport the 2002 numbers. The gallon perhead per day is the average of the figures provided in Table 1. 表2是每天和每年度的猪平均用水量,生猪库存信息来源于2002-2003NASS,库 存信息主要从第一季度到第四季度,因此取2002年4月1日,6月1日,9月1日 12月1日的数据,每头猪日用水量取表1的平均值。 Table2: Direct water use - Drinking | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total Annual Water for Animal Drinking | | |
It was more difficult to estimate theindirect water use on swine farms. Thereis no reported information on which farms use which practice and the amount ofwater consumed by each practice. Table 3Indirect Water Use – Cleaning and Table 4 Indirect Water Use - Coolingwere developed using estimates from individuals working in the field. It was estimated that about two thirds of thepigs reared in Michigan reside on farms that regularly clean the farmsfacilities, the remainder of the pigs may reside in pasture or beddedsituations where cleaning facilities with water is impractical. Therefore thenumber of head or litters was multiplied by 67% in determining total water use. 实际上很难估算每个猪场用水量,没有详细的每个猪场采用何种饲养方式和每个饲养方式的用水量。表3-冲洗用水,表4-降温用水。有2/的猪场会定期的冲洗猪舍,剩下的可能饲养在牧区或发酵床上,不能用水清洗。因此清洗用水的数据在总用水量基础上乘以0.67. Table 3: Indirect water use - Cleaning Table 4: Indirect water use - Cooling In Michiganlarger swine farms may have up 2,500 sows at one location, or up to 4,000finishing animals at one location. Michigan has farms thatcontrol more animals but the 2,500 sows and 4,000 finishing animals thresholdrepresents the upper ranges of animals at one location being provided waterfrom one water system. Using the figuresin Tables 2, 3, and 4 one may estimate that a location with 2,500 sows will use4.84 million gallons of water annually (13,262 gallons per day), and a 4,000head finishing location would use 5.13 million gallons of water annually(14,055 gallons per day). 在大型猪场里面一个地点会有2500头母猪,或者4000头生长育肥猪。虽然这个地区有很多猪,但是一个供水系统最大的饲养量就是2500头母猪,或者4000头生长育肥猪。利用表2.,3,4的数据就会算出这些猪每天,以及每年的用水量。 Because of the swine industry structure,where large farms contract with other farms for growing pigs, it is estimatedthat there are no swine farms in Michigan that individually consume more than100,000 gallons of water per day. 由于采用两点以上的饲养模式,所以没有哪个猪场会每天使用超过380吨的水。 In Michigan,the estimated annual water used by swine farms is 899.39 million gallons. The water used for cooling is at low rates,on hot days when buildings are being well ventilated, therefore all of thecooling water should be considered as evaporative (consumptive). Very little of the water used for cleaningevaporates, therefore all of the cleaning water should be considered asnon-consumptive. 每年的总用水量是89939 万加仑。夏季通风较好,降温用水较少。冲洗用水基本没有蒸发。 Market hogs are approximately 50% water(Tri-State Swine Nutrition Guide). The2000 PigChamp Benchmarking publication reports that in year 2000 Michigan’s sowherd had a 47% replacement rate (sows that are sold and replaced with youngergilts) (PigChamp). Michigan Agriculture Statistical Services (NASS) shows thatin 2002 Michiganmarketed 2.03 million head of hogs with a total weight of 522.9 millionpounds. Using the PigChamp culling rateand the 2002 sow inventory, one may calculate that in 2002 there were 50,000sows culled weighing approximately 17.60 million pounds and containing 1.1million gallons water. Subtracting thecull sow sales from the total 2002 hogs sales indicates that Michigan’s hogproducers sold 1.98 million market hogs weighing approximately 505.3 millionpounds 2002 (31.58 million gallons water). Table 5 provides the total consumptive/non-consumptive water use in Michigan. Table5: Consumptive water use Water use | | | | | | | | Maintaining Breeding Herd | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3Million Gallons