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Did You Know - PIGS... 猪的这一切-你知道吗? 译者:IRIS only 4% of pigs are in a sow stall at any one time 任何时候仅仅有4%的猪在母猪栏中 have a very wide angle of vision – 310 degrees – and are therefore easily distracted 有一个非常广泛角度的视力-310度-很容易让猪分心 have colour vision but they cannot focus both eyes on the same spot 具有颜色感觉,但是他们的两只眼睛不能定位到同一个点 are said to have very good memories. This characteristic is used to develop safe pig handling routines 据说有很好的记忆力,这个特征被用来发展猪的安全执行条例. can’t sweat because they have no sweat glands. They lose heat through their mouths and their ideal growing temperature is 20-22° C. In hot weather when outdoors they roll around in the mud to cool their skins. Farmers provide air conditioned barns in order to have relaxed and safe pigs 不能排汗,因为它们没有汗腺.它们散热是通过他们的嘴巴,它们的理想生长环境温度是20-22° C.在炎热的天气,它们在泥里打滚,以此来让皮肤降温.养殖人提供空调仓目的是为了拥有安全和方式的猪群. are the most relaxed animal whether housed indoors or outdoors if adequately fed – a pig rests more than any other farm animal! 不管室内还是室外,如果能充分地饲喂,是最放松的动物-猪比农场中的其他动物休息的很多. can squeal so loudly they can hurt your ears – they can reach 115 decibels! 会大声地尖叫,声音能损失你的耳朵-它们能达到115分贝. can’t lift their heads to look up at the sky, instead, they must turn their heads on one side so that the eye points upwards 不能抬起头仰望天空,它们必须转动它们的脑袋偏向一侧,这样它们的眼睛才能看上面. can swim! 会游泳! love to play, and run around and chase each other 喜欢玩,跑来跑去,互相追逐. have an excellent sense of smell 有一个很好的嗅觉 usually give birth to over two pig litters a year 通常一年两窝仔猪. when babies/piglets, weigh about 1.5 kilograms at birth and will double its weight in just 7 days 当婴儿猪/仔猪,出生体重达到1.5kg时,将在仅仅7天后增至2倍。 are omnivores which means they eat meat and vegetables just like us. Farmed pigs are fed a diet of mostly grains. They cannot eat just anything, their diet and nutrition has to be carefully balanced so they grow healthy 是杂食动物,这就意味着它们能像我们一样吃肉和蔬菜。农场主的主食大多数是谷物粮食。它们不只吃任何东西,它们的日粮和营养必须仔细地平衡,这样他们才能健康成长。 at different stages have quite different temperature requirements e.g. a suckling pigs 27-35°C, weaners 24-30°C and, growers and sows are able to perform at greater ranges e.g. 15-30°C 在不同的阶段有非常不同的温度需求,比如,哺乳猪27-35°C,断奶猪24-30°C,生长猪和母猪能喜欢一个较大的范围如15-30°C Other Facts About Pigs 猪的其他方面 most pig farmers use the manure on their farms as an organic fertiliser to improve crops and pasture as well as upgrade soils 大多数养殖人在他们的农场使用粪肥作为有机化肥以此来改善庄稼和牧场,也包括改良土壤。 heart valves from pigs are used to replace damaged or diseased human heart valves 猪的心脏瓣膜常被用来取代人的损坏和病变的心脏瓣膜 swine research led to the development of the CAT scan, a technology for examining internal organs without surgery 猪的研究引发计算机化X 射线轴向分层造影扫描(CAT扫描)的发展,这是一种不用外科手术就能检测内部器官的技术。 pork is the most popular meat in the world 猪肉是世界上最普遍的肉。 英文来源:pigfarminginnz.co.nz 新西兰农场
附注学习:Sweating Like a Pig 这个成语叫 "汗流浃背”