本帖最后由 007畜牧 于 2013-5-23 07:44 编辑
Alimentary Tract Diseases消化道疾病Salmonellosis沙门氏菌病 Bury diagnosed salmonellosis as the cause of approximately 30 deaths from a group of 1,300 10-week-old growers in straw yards. The deaths had occurred since moving to the yards a week earlier. Several other pigs were seen looking lean and depressed with some scour.
Necropsy of two of the affected pigs revealed marked thickening and diphtheresis of the distal half of the small intestine (see figure) with localised peritonitis and coils of intestine loosely adherent to each other. Similar lesions extended into the caecum and proximal colon. PRRS virus was identified by PCR in the spleen of both pigs suggesting that PRRSV challenge on entry to the straw yards had predisposed to the salmonellosis. Appropriate advice on disease control and public health was given.
两只感染猪的剖检显示小肠中部的末端出明显的增厚、白喉样(见图),伴随着局限性腹膜炎,小肠线彼此疏松地粘连在一起。相似的病变扩展到盲肠和和结肠近端。两头猪的脾脏中使用PCR检测到PRRS 病毒,这表PRRSV侵入到稻草堆中,容易感染沙门氏菌。合适的疾病控制和公共健康建议已经发布。
图 感染沙门氏菌疾病的10周龄猪,它的小肠末端的病灶
译者附注:diphtheresis 根据上下文以及图片,释义为白喉(diphtheria)样,因为白喉病变现象表现为局部粘膜上皮细胞坏死,并逐渐扩大融合,同时可见局部粘膜血管扩张充血,大量纤维蛋白渗出。渗出的纤维蛋白与坏死细胞、白细胞和细菌凝结在一起,覆盖在破坏的粘膜表面,形成本病的特征性假膜。(红色字来源百度百科)而本病则是肠内容物流出,形成假摸。