本帖最后由 eliteman 于 2011-9-21 21:51 编辑
trickle feeding翻译为“湿喂”的确不妥。
对于这个问题,我查了大量资料。可以说,在书面的资料中基本找不到与trickle feeding对应的中文说法。可见对于中国来说,这还是一个新鲜事物。
但是国外(尤其是欧洲)的网站上已有大量关于trickle feeding的介绍和描述。
国外当前养猪业中,这种饲喂技术一般是用在母猪上。对于群饲的母猪,为了避免或减少喂料时其相互攻击、抢食,常采用此法,但使用此方法还需要配备专门的设备,这就是trickle feeding system。
在trickle feeding system中常依据母猪群中采食最慢的母猪的采食速度,来调整自动喂料设备的给料速度,即保证吃的慢的母猪的料槽中不至于积累饲料太多,又要保证吃得快的母猪的料槽中有料吃。另外,在母猪的各个采食位之间都有小短隔栏将其隔开。这些措施都可在一定程度上大大降低母猪间的相互攻击、抢食。
下面是国外某两种trickle feeding system的介绍。
DozitA trickle feeding system for group housed sows.
Each sow has an individual feeding space where feed is slowly trickled into the trough at a rate to match her eating speed, releasing the feed this way reduces aggression between the sows.
Special Features
· Low cost durable non corrosive components are supplied for easy assembly · Variable capacity up to 7litres of pellets can be easily and accurately dispensed to suit different animals · Easy to use, the sows find feed from the first day without training · Low investment as only 1 dispenser is required per 2 sows · Clear Feed Scale marked to 100ml increments for accurate feed allocation · Excellent feed flow resulting from conical shape smooth inner walls and asymmetrical discharge · Pear shaped dump ball ensures all feed is easily dispensed from the feeder · Transparent housing for quick inspection from all sides · Easy access is gained via a large window for easy cleaning or to add individual medication · Easy cleaning: The simple ‘click’ system makes removal for thorough cleaning quick and easy · Personnel not associated with feeding time therefore able to move more freely amongst the animals · Minimal maintenance: the polypropylene dispenser will give years of trouble free operation
2、The Big Dutchman SIMULTAN trickle feeding system
The Big Dutchman SIMULTAN trickle feeding system enables sows housed in groups to eat quietly and at the same time.
This is achieved by means of a constant trickle of feed into the trough. A sow dispenser above each feeding place is emptied by means of a second auger placed underneath and slightly offset. This auger runs very slowly so that a predermined amount of feed (90 to 110 grams per minute) trickles into the troughs.
The aim of trickle feeding is to keep all the sows at the trough and interested in their own feed. It is then no longer neccesary to keep them in seperate stalls at feeding.
上面这两种trickle feeding system,第一种是两头母猪共用一个饲料分配器(dispenser),第二种,也就是大荷兰人那种,是一头母猪一个分配器。
综上所述,我觉得trickle feeding和trickle feeding system的翻译可以归纳如下,仅供参考。
trickle feeding--采食速度跟踪控喂法、智能跟踪控喂法、智能缓时/延时控喂法、据速控喂法。
trickle feeding system--智能控喂系统、智能跟踪控喂系统、据速控喂系统、智能缓时/延时控喂系统
2、本人对以上两个术语的翻译特指养猪业,其它行业也有trickle feeding这个术语,但往往都有各自行业的特定意义。