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[学习资料] 饲料加工工艺术语

发表于 2010-12-17 09:18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
清理 cleaning
筛选 screening
风选 aspirating
磁选 magnetic separating
包衣 coating
微胶囊化 micro capsulizing
辐射 irradiating
压饼 wafering
碾压 rolling
压片 flaking
干法碾压 dry rolling
干法压片 dry flaking
气蒸 steaming
气蒸碾压 steam rolling
气蒸压片 steam flaking
烘烤 toasting
微波处理 microwaving
爆裂 popping
脱水 dehydrating
干燥 drying
粉碎 grinding
微粉碎 micro-grinding
超微粉碎 super micro-grinding
先配料后粉碎 post-grinding
先粉碎后配料 pre-grinding
一次粉碎工艺 one-step grinding
二次粉碎工艺 two-step grinding
循环粉碎工艺 cycle grinding
配料 proportioning
容积式配料 proportioning by volume
重量式配料 proportioning by weight
分批配料 batch proportioning
连续配料 continuous proportioning
制动配料 automatic proportioning
配料周期 period of proportioning
自动微量配料 automatic micro- proportioning
混合 mixing
冲洗 flushing
液体添加 liquid addition
载体预处理 preprocessing of carrier
稀释 diluting
预混合 premixing
制粒 pelleting
调质 conditioning
冷却 cooling
碎粒 crumbling
颗粒分级 pellet grading
颗粒液体喷涂 liquid spraying for pellets
制块 blocking
挤压膨化 extruding
干法挤压膨化 dry extruding
湿法挤压膨化 wet extruding
挤压膨化 expanding
气流膨化 air expanding
热喷 steam exploding
熟化 ripening
蒸煮 cooking
舍内风干 barn-curing
装罐 canning
浓缩 condensing
脱氟 deflurinating
脱坯 degerming
干法炼制 dry-rendering
氨化 ammoniated;ammoniating
蒸发 evaporating
发酵 fermenting
糊化 gelatinizing
均质 homogenizing
水解 hydrolyzing
压榨 pressing
压制 pressed
配合饲料 formula feed
浓缩饲料 concentrate
精料补充料 concentrate supplement
添加剂预混合饲料 additive premix
复合预混合饲料 compound premix
微量元素预混合饲料 trace mineral premix
维生素预混合饲料 vitamin premix
液体饲料 liquid feed
粉状饲料 mash feed
颗粒饲料 pelleted feed
硬颗粒饲料 hard pellet
软颗粒饲料 soft pellet
碎粒饲料 crumbles
块状饲料 block
膨化颗粒饲料 extruded feed
膨胀饲料 expanded feed
沉性颗粒饲料 sinking pellet
浮性颗粒饲料 floating pellet
片状饲料 flake
加药饲料 medicated feed
发表于 2010-12-17 10:07:06 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2010-12-17 10:09:36 | 显示全部楼层
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