日前,**网收到相关消息称,宝洁公司旗下美产“爱慕思”产品有可能感染“沙门杆菌”(又名“沙门氏菌”,是指由各种类型沙门氏菌所引起的对 人类、家畜以及野生禽兽不同形式的总称。)现正全面召回同时宝洁公司已做出美生产基地自愿性暂停生产的调整,恢复生产时间仍不明朗
关于P&G Pet Care自愿召回带来的供应问题
近日我们已确定部分在我们美国一专业生产机构生产的产品可能未达到我们严格的质量保障标准。因此,作为预防措施,P&G Pet Care决定终止在美国其他生产机构的生产,以充分了解本次事件,并加快改进设备和生产流程。这一举措意味着P&G Pet Care暂时将无法生产爱慕思和优卡全线产品。
缺货期间,现有库存送货将需要更多时间,我们将非常感谢这期间您的合作。您下订单时,我们的客服团队会告知您大概的发货日期。P&G Pet Care也将通过邮件告知您发货时间(具体如下):
为帮助您应对此形势,P&G Pet Care将通过邮件每日提**品存货状况。如您需要获得我们的邮件,请采取以下步骤:
P&G Pet Care再次为此事对您带来的不便表示歉意,我们正在优先处理此事,以期尽快恢复供应这些产品。在此困难时期,我们希望能得到您的支持。
如果您还有问题,请联系P&G Pet Care代表或批发商。
Simon Fraser
P&G Pet Care 国家经理
Dear Customer,
Re: Supply issues as a result of P&G Pet Care voluntary recall
The following communication is a proactive update following the recent voluntary recall of some Eukanuba products.
Recently we established that some of our products manufactured in our specialised facility in the US may not have met our high quality assurance standards. Consequently as a precautionary measure P&G Pet Care decided to voluntarily suspend production in other US manufacturing facilities in order to fully understand the issues and accelerate upgrades to equipment and processes. This action means that P&G Pet Care’s capacity to produce a broad cross section of Iams and Eukanuba products will be temporarily limited.
To reiterate this is a product supply issue and does not relate to the safety or quality of Iams and Eukanuba products.
In order to minimise the impact of this product shortage to your business, we will be taking the following steps:
Postpone all consumer promotions (where possible)
Postpone selected short term brand initiatives
Postpone planned product innovation launches
Set clear principles to equitably manage available inventory
Your cooperation during these times of out of stocks would be greatly appreciated as there will be additional lead time to despatch available inventory. Our Customer Care team will be able to advise on expected delivery date when orders are placed. Greater visibility on delivery timing will also be provided by P&G Pet Care via email (see below).
We are currently unable to provide exact timing as to when we will back in normal supply. Status at this stage is as follows:
Continued unavailability of 18 recalled products until further notice
Start to experience additional out of stocks from 13th September 2010
There will be significant out of stock week commencing 27th September 2010
To help you plan and manage this situation, P&G Pet Care is committed to provide a daily communication on product availability by email. To receive this communication, please take the following steps:
Send an email from the address you wish to be added to: petcareupdate.im@pg.com
Use the following subject / title line: Add me to the petcare update
Again, P&G Pet Care apologises for any inconvenience this causes and are working as a priority to resupply these products as soon as possible. We look forward to your support during this difficult period.
If you have any further questions, please contact your P&G Pet Care Representative or wholesaler.
Simon Fraser
ANZ P&G Pet Care Country Manager |