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Types of Rabbit Food

发表于 2010-8-17 00:54:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Types of Rabbit Food
Rabbits require a variety of food, and will willingly try many things, although they may not like all of them. They are naturally suited to convert cellulose into food, much like cows. Like humans, they require a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and water.
Rabbits are herbivores, and should be fed regularly. Irregular feeding can hurt the health of a rabbit. They should always have a supply of fresh water. You should not give the rabbit more food until it finishes what it has- it is best to keep fresh food available, rather than overloading it with vegetables, which quickly deteriorate and become droopy.
Giving the rabbit food in regular intervals will result in a cleaner rabbit house, which is also healthier. Rabbits can eat some fruits, or beets, although very moist green foods should be limited. They also should have a supply of hay and pellets available. Organic hay is better, as you don’t want to damage the rabbit’s health with pesticides, vehicle fumes, fertilizer, moldy hay etc.
Most of the food that a wild rabbit eats is grass. Because grass is not that nutrient rich, they are made to eat their food twice. Grass also helps a rabbit wear down it’s teeth- because they continuously grow, they need the roughness to stay in good condition. If your rabbit is unaccustomed to a vegetable diet, it should be converted over slowly.
Rabbits can eat a variety of greens and vegetables, such as broccoli, clover, watercress, radish greens, and dandelion leaves. House rabbits eat less than their wild counterparts, so they should be monitored for obesity- if you give them too much food, over time they may develop health problems. Commercial foods should give an indication of how much to feed the rabbit, and you can talk to your veterinarian to get a better idea, as the amount of food that the rabbit needs depends on its weight.


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