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[学习资料] Practical English: 人力资源顾问给求职毕业生的一些建议

发表于 2010-6-8 14:56:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Editor's Note: Wang Jiaqi, a human resources consultant at Selegate Consulting Company was happy to share some of his experience with the Global Times.  
Q: What role does a Curriculum Vitae (CV), or resume, play in the process of finding a job?  
A: It is the CV that has the responsibility of making the first impression with the prospective employer.
It should be clear and well-structured.
Recent graduates must highlight any work experience that they may have.
Of course, the CV should be tailored to the job that you are seeking.
Job seekers who attended a prestigious university do have a better chance of finding a job, but that does not mean those who attended an ordinary university don’t have a chance at all.
Don’t forget to express yourself well in your CV.
Put the emphasis on your strong points, and conceal your weaknesses.

Q: What is the process of recruiting employees?
A: The HR manager makes a preliminary selection of those to be considered for the position.
These candidates may be invited to attend an interview. It is sometimes required that the candidates wear business clothes for the interview.
The interviewer asks questions, for example, why the applicant is interested in the vacant position.
Other common questions are to describe your strengths and weaknesses, to explain why you think you are suited to the job.
These type of questions are more personal, obviously, rather than with a right or wrong answer.

Q: How does the company determine if a candidate is suitable?
A: Different positions require different skills.
I was once interviewed for a position of sales administration trainer at the cosmetics giant, l’Oreal.
All candidates had to choose a subject written on a card.
My subject was to pick out one of the company’s brands which was on sale during the Olympics, and to explain how you would market it.
This required that the candidates had to be familiar with the company’s products and also demonstrate their communication and sales skills.
One other subject at the interview was to suggest a spokesperson for l’Oreal’s products.
Such tests are not very easy, and candidates should learn from each interview, even if they do not get the job.

Q: Any more advice for graduates looking for employment?
A: When you attend an interview, it’s very important to believe in yourself.
Don’t worry too much about which university you attended – other applicants may not have your work experience.
Graduates are characterized by their youth and freshness, so show your energy and your ability to learn more.
Also show your communication skills, and that you have initiative  
回答(以下简称A):简历是求职者与准雇主的第一印象。一份好的简历,应当目标明确,结构完整。应届毕业生必须着重强调他们以往的工作经验。 当然,简历中的经验应该是与所应聘工作相关的。 在找工作的过程中,同等条件下,可能从名牌大学毕业的毕业生更有可能获得某个职位,但这并不意味着那些从普通高校毕业的人就没有机会。切记简历需要避重就轻,最好要多强调自己的优点。

A:当你参加面试时,非常重要的一点就是自信,相信你自己。不要过于担心你是从哪所大学毕业的,因为你的工作经验是其他应聘者未必具备的。 刚刚踏出校园的毕业生,特点就是他们很年轻并且充满活力。所以,要向面试官展示出你的活力和善于学习的能力。同时,展现
member to answer questions directly, addressing the key point of the question.


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very good,it's good for me
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prety good!!copy it.
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