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酪蛋白Casein ELISA Kit

发表于 2010-4-27 10:04:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Casein ELISA Kitimmunoenzymatic kit for determination of milk protein allergen
Milk is one of main allergising foodstuffs, consumed above all by children. Prevalence of this allergy differs in different countries, while the relevant data in population range within 1 - 3%. Native milk and even milk products contain protein allergens, since there is no proof for the expectation that the milk processing could change the proteins structure to the extent to change their allergic properties. Principle of determination
The determination of casein is based on its immunochemical reaction with a specific antibody. CAS present in analysed sample and CAS, having been marked with biotin prior to the analysis, react in the first step with a specific antibody coated on walls of wells, as arrayed in a microtitration plate. As a net result, CAS is bound to the wells' walls, while both CAS of the sample and that marked with biotin, compete for access to binding spots of the antibody against CAS; these spots are limited in their count. Following the step of wells washing, added to the wells is the horse-radish peroxidase conjugated with streptavidin, to undergo an incubation phase. After expiry of the necessary incubation period comes washing out the wells and then the addition of a chromogenic substrate (tetramethylbenzidine) will enable to detect the remaining coated peroxidase. The intensity of colouration thus developed is inversely proportional to the concentration of CAS in calibrators, check samples and analysed samples.

Casein ELISA Kit offers to you
  • determination of 40 samples, while using one kit (96 – well microtitration plate)
  • all needed reagents incorporated in the kit
  • extraction of foodstuff sample at laboratory temperature, in 30 minutes
  • direct analysis of extracts, avoiding the necessity of their additional diluting
  • total period of processing not exceeding 3 hours
  • limit of detection (LOD): 0.24 ppm (mg/kg)
  • limit of quantification (LOQ): 1.30 ppm (mg/kg)
  • calibration scale range: 1.5 – 45 ppm
  • guaranteed zero reading for basic foodstuff starting materials that are naturally free of milk proteins

Casein ELISA Kit passed successfully verification testing - by circular test performed at eight European workplaces (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Sweden).

Product’s catalogue number FA 00208







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