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[其他信息] 翘首幸福:80后最in的15个人生法则

发表于 2009-12-20 23:53:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Most people learn over time, but often learning comes too late tobe fully useful. There are certainly many things that I know nowthat would have been extremely useful to me earlier in my life;things that could have saved me from many of the mistakes and hurtsI suffered over the years—and most of those that I inflicted onothers too。


  I don’t buy the romantic notion that my life has been somehow richer or more interesting because of all the times I screwed up;nor that the mistakes were “put” there to help me learn. I made them myself—through ignorance, fear, and a dumb wish to have everyone like me—and life and work would have been less stressfuland more enjoyable (and certainly more successful) without them. Sohere are some of the things I wish I had learned long ago. I hope they may help a few of you avoid the mistakes that I made back then. veduchina


  1. Most of it doesn’t matter.So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned outnot to matter. There are only a few things that truly count for ahappy life. I wish I had known to concent rate on those and ignorethe rest。



  2. The greatest source of misery and hatred in this world isclinging to past hurts.Look at all the terrorists and militant groups that hark back to some event long gone, or base theirjustification for killing on claims of some supposed his torical right to a bit of land, or redress for a wrong done hundreds of years ago.veduchina



  3. Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing itexactly right means waiting for ever.One of the greatest advantages anyone can have is the willingness to make a fool of themselves publicly and often. There’s no better way to learn and develop.Heck, it’s fun too. veduchina



  4.Following the latest fashion, in work or in life, isspiritual and intellectual suicide.You can be a cheap imitation ofthe ideal of the moment; or you can be a unique individual. Thechoice is yours. Religion isn’t the opiate of the masses, fashionis。



  5. If people complain that you’re too fond of going your ownway and aren’t fitting in, you must be on the right track.Who wantsto live life as a herd animal? The guys in power don’t want you tofit in for your own sake; they want you to stop causing them problems and follow their orders. You can’t have the freedom to be yourself and meekly fit in at the same time。



  6. If you make your work your life, you’re making your lifeinto hard work. Like most people,I confused myself by looking atpeople like artists and musicians whose life’s “work” fills theirtime. That isn’t work. It’s who they are. Unless you have some overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn aliving doing it, always remember that work should be a means to anend: living an enjoyable life. Spend as little time on the means as possible consistent with achieving the end. Only idiots live towork。



  7. The quickest and simplest way to wreck any relationship isto listen to gossip.The worst way to spend your time is spreading more. People who spread gossip are the plague-carriers of our day.Cockroaches are clean, kindly creatures in comparison。



  8. Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity.Everyone will be mad at you sometime.Most of the people you dealwith will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say ordo most of the time. Besides, you can never really know what others do want, so a good deal of whatever you do in that regard will goto waste. Be comforted. Those who love you will probably love your egardless, and they are the ones whose opinions are worth caringabout. The rest aren’t worth five minutes of thought between them.veduchina



  9. Every winner is destined to be a loser in due course.It’sgreat to be up on the winner’s podium. Just don’t imagine you canstay there for ever. Worst of all is being determined to do so, byany means available。



  10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, ormollify an asshole.The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter. Being an asshole is a contagious disease.The more time you spend around one, the more likely you are tocatch it and become one too. veduchina



  11. Everything takes twiceas long as you plan for and producesresults about half as good as you hoped. There’s no reason to bed own hearted about this. Just allow for it and move on。



  12. People are oddly consistent.Liars usually tell lies.Cheaters cheat whenever it suits them. A person who confides in youhas usually confided in several others first—but not got theresponse they wanted. A loyal friend will stay loyal under enormousamounts of thoughtless abuse. veduchina



  13.However hard you try, you can’t avoid being yourself.Whoelse could you be? You can act and pretend, but the person actingand pretending is still you. And if you won’t accept yourself—anddo the best you can with what you have—who then has any obligationto accept you?



  14. When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures.Time spent agonizing over them istime wasted. Even if (miracle of miracles!) yours are accurate, noone else will have been so foolish。


  14。把时间折腾在这上面,是浪费时间。既使(奇迹中的奇迹!) 你是实事求是并且准确的, 其他人也不会那么愚蠢。

  15. The loudest noise in the world is the sound of people whining.Don’t add to it. veduchina

  15。世界上最大的噪音是人们的抱怨 不要再增加了


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