
楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-27 23:31:00
Feed is a major component of the total cost of broiler production. To support optimum performance, formulate broiler rations to give the correct balance of energy, protein and amino acids, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids. The choice of feeding program will depend on the target of the business; for instance whether the focus is on maximizing profitability of live birds or optimizing yield of carcass components.
Recommended nutrient levels and feed programs can be found in the current Arbor Acres Broiler Nutrition Specifications, which offers further information on:
• The choice of feeding program for a range of production and market situations.
• Optimum levels of dietary digestible amino acid levels for growth efficiency, processing yield and profitability.
Supply of Nutrients
Broilers require energy for growth of tissue, maintenance and activity.
Carbohydrate sources, such as corn and wheat, and various fats or oils are the major source of energy in poultry feeds. Energy levels in diets are expressed in Mega joules (MJ/kg) or kilocalories (kcal/kg or kcal/lb) of Metabolizable Energy (ME), as this represents the energy available to the broiler.
Feed proteins, such as those in cereals and soybean meal, are complex compounds that are broken down by digestion into amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed and assembled into body proteins that are used in the construction of body tissue, e.g. muscles, nerves, skin and feathers.
Dietary crude protein levels do not indicate the quality of the proteins in feed ingredients. Diet protein quality is based on the level, balance and digestibility of essential amino acids in the final mixed feed.
The Arbor Acres broiler is particularly responsive to dietary digestible amino acid levels and will respond well, in terms of growth, feed efficiency and profitability, to diets properly balanced as recommended.
Higher levels of digestible amino acids have been shown to improve profitability by increasing broiler performance and processing yield. This becomes particularly important when broilers are grown for portioning or de-boning.
Macro Minerals
The provision of the correct levels of the major minerals in the appropriate balance is important for high-performing broilers. The macro minerals involved are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and chloride.
• Calcium and phosphorus: Calcium in the diet of broilers influences growth, feed efficiency, bone development, leg health, nerve function and the immune system. It is vital that calcium is supplied in adequate quantities and on a consistent basis. Phosphorus, like calcium, is required in the correct form and quantity to optimize skeletal structure and growth.
• Sodium, potassium and chloride: These minerals are needed for general metabolic functions. Shortages can affect feed intake, growth and blood pH. Excess levels of these minerals result in increased water intake and subsequent poor litter quality.
Trace Minerals and Vitamins
Trace minerals and vitamins are needed for all metabolic functions.
Appropriate vitamin and trace mineral supplementation depends on the feed ingredients used, the feed manufacturer and local circumstances.
Due to differences in vitamin levels of various cereals, the level of supplementation of some vitamins must be modified. Accordingly, separate recommendations are usually proposed for some vitamins, depending on the cereals (e.g. wheat versus maize) upon which the diets are based.
Enzymes are now being routinely used in poultry feeds to improve digestibility of feed ingredients. In general, feed enzymes that act on carbohydrates, proteins and plant-bound minerals are available.
Key Points
• Use recommended digestible amino acid levels for optimum broiler performance.
• Ensure high-quality protein sources are used.
• Provide the correct levels of the major minerals in the appropriate balance.
• Vitamin and mineral supplementation depends on feed ingredients used, feed manufacturing practices and local circumstances. |