Compassion in World Farming Trust is a charity working internationally to advance the welfare of farm animals. We produce a range of science-based educational resources covering farm animal welfare and associated environmental, social and ethical issues. The trustees are grateful to several grant-making Charitable Trusts and members of the public who have made this work possible.
In 2005, Compassion in World Farming Trust held a conference in London entitled From Darwin to Dawkins: the Science and Implications of Animal Sentience, on the growing scientific and ethical understanding of animals and its implications for human activities that use animals.
The conference was attended by 600 people from 50 countries.
The conference papers are available in two different publications: the book Animals, Ethics and Trade: the Challenge of Animal Sentience, edited by J. Turner and J. D'Silva, Earthscan, 2006 and in a special issue of the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, edited by John Webster,
Elsevier, 2006.