The Five Most Common Health Problems in Sow HerdsLarry Rueff, DVM
Swine Veterinary Services
February 2009
There aren’t Five五个问题之外的问题
Problems in sow herds revolve around management
Chronic underperformance is the real problem and it is almost always due to poor management
真正的问题是长期的低性能, 大多源于较差的管理
Five Management “Health” Problems五个源于管理的”健康”问题
Insufficient gilt pools后备母猪群不足
Inadequate employee quality饲养员能力不足
Poor lactation feeding techniques哺乳期饲喂不当
Understaffing 人员配备不足
Poor heat detection 情期鉴定不够
Management Techniques to Maximize Reproductive Performance繁殖效率最大化的管理技术
Gilt Selection母猪的选留
Gilt Acclimation后备母猪的管理
Five “Real” Health Problems猪场的五种主要疫病
Clinical Signs of Infectious Reproductive Problems母猪感染繁殖障碍性疾病的临床症状
Sows or Boars off feed母猪或公猪厌食
Sows or Boars running high fevers母猪或公猪高烧
Abnormal returns to heat反复返情
Weak and Premature pigs产弱子或早产
High incidence of mummies and/or stillborns木乃伊和死胎增多
Perfect control of all but PRRS if administered properly
Artificial Insemination vs. Natural Service人工授精VS本交
AI Processes人工授精的步骤
Seasonal Infertility季节性的不孕
Seasonal Infertility季节性不孕
Delayed puberty in gilts 性成熟期延长
Failure to exhibit estrus post weaning断奶后不表现发情症状
Longer wean to first service interval断奶后发情时间延长
Increased number of normal recycles at 21 days 返情比例增加
Seasonal Infertility季节性不孕
Increased number of Abnormal Recycles 返情比例增加
Increased abortion rate流产比例增加
Increased Fail to Farrow sows 怀孕母猪分娩率降低
Decreased born alive产活子数减少
Sow Management母猪的饲养管理
Sow Management母猪的饲养管理
Sow Management母猪的饲养管理 |