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发表于 2009-1-13 10:57:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

transfer factor

[main component] transfer factor
[character] white transparent liquid
[mechanism of action] immunomodulating drugs. The transfer factor is a kind of low molecular weight nucleotide peptide released by T lymphocyte. The transfer factor can deliver the donator’s specified cellular immune function to receptors and enhance general cells’ immune function.

1.Prevention and cure New castle disease, influenza, infectious bursa of Fabricius, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, Marek's Disease, plague of duck, viral hepatitis of duck, plagueof goose and the immunosuppression caused by paramyxovirusor adenovirus et al.
2.When used on Piglets 3 days before weaning can activate the function of immune system.
3.When combination with the vaccine, the products can prevente and cure kinds of diseases: swine plague, Epidemic diarrhea of swine, Pseudorabies, toroidal ring virus disease of swine and Minute virus disease.

4.When combination with the antibacterial agent, the products can efficiently inhibit the
infection caused by Escherichia coli, the respiratory tract disease or other combinated infection.

5.It only takes only 2 days to control swine plague when combination with swine plague weakly virus vaccine by intramuscular injection.
[direction]eyedrop application, drinking water, or injection and can be combination with the vaccines
1. One bottle can be used on 1500 young poultry or 1000 mature poultry and according to 250 kg body weight /bottle on pigs, once a day, continuous for 2 or 3 days.Other poultry's dosage should be according to their body weight , the severe cases are used double dosages.
2. The products can enhance the vaccine effect when combination with the vaccine.
[Attention] Don't combinate with acid or alkali liquid to inject.

[stock] It can be kept for 2 years at 2-8℃ or 3 years below 15 centi-degree.



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