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[畜牧英语] 饲料原料英语

发表于 2008-12-16 09:38:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
玉米corn grain
玉米 corn grain
玉米 corn grain
玉米 corn grain
高粱 sorghum grain
小麦 wheat grain
大麦(裸) naked barley grain
大麦(皮) barley grain
黑麦 rye
稻谷 paddy
糙米rough rice
碎米 broken rice
粟(谷子) millet grain
木薯干 cassava tuber flake
甘薯干 sweet potato tuber flake
次粉 wheat middling and reddog
次粉 wheat middling and reddog
小麦麸 wheat bran
小麦麸 wheat bran
米糠 rice bran
米糠饼rice bran meal(exp.)
米糠粕rice bran meal(sol.)
大豆 soybean
大豆饼soybean meal(exp.)
大豆粕soybean meal(sol.)
大豆粕soybean meal(sol.)
棉籽饼 cottonseed meal(exp.)
棉籽粕 cottonseed meal(sol.)
棉籽粕 cottonseed meal(sol.)
棉籽蛋白cottonseed protein
菜籽饼 rapeseed meal(exp.)
菜籽粕 rapeseed meal(sol.)
花生仁饼peanut meal(exp.)
花生仁粕 peanut meal(sol.)
向日葵仁饼sunflower meal(exp.)
向日葵仁粕 sunflower meal(sol.)
向日葵仁粕 sunflower meal(sol.)
亚麻仁饼 linseed meal(exp.)
亚麻仁粕 linseed meal(sol.)
芝麻饼 sesame meal(exp.)
玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal
玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal
玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal
玉米蛋白饲料 corn gluten feed
玉米胚芽饼 corn germ meal(exp.)
玉米胚芽粕corn germ meal(sol.)
DDGS(distiller dried grains with solubles)
蚕豆粉浆蛋白粉 broad bean gluten meal
麦芽根 barley malt sprouts
鱼粉(CP 64.5%) fish meal
鱼粉(CP 62.5%) fish meal
鱼粉(CP 60.2%) fish meal
鱼粉(CP 53.5%) fish meal
血粉 blood meal
羽毛粉 feather meal
皮革粉 leather meal
肉骨粉 meat an bone meal
肉粉 meat meal
苜蓿草粉(CP 19%) alfalfa meal
苜蓿草粉(CP 17%) alfalfa meal
苜蓿草粉(CP 14%-15%) alfalfa meal
啤酒糟 brewers dried grain
啤酒酵母 brewers dried yeast
乳清粉 whey,dehydrated
牛奶乳糖milk lactose
乳糖milk lactose
玉米淀粉corn starch
家禽脂肪pouitry fat
鱼油fish oil
菜籽油vegetable oil
椰子油coconut oil
玉米油corn oil
棉籽油cottonseed oil
棕榈油palm oil
花生油peanuts oil
芝麻油sesame oil
大豆油soybean oil
葵花油sunflower oil


参与人数 1论坛币 +1 收起 理由
tony2005428 + 1 【通过审核】


发表于 2008-12-16 15:56:58 | 显示全部楼层
very good,but it is so easy
发表于 2008-12-18 00:54:36 | 显示全部楼层
yeah, it is easy, but some unnormal materials are useful to us!
发表于 2009-2-16 16:11:44 | 显示全部楼层
菜籽油vegetable oil ?


rape seed oil  发表于 2010-10-24 18:00
发表于 2009-2-16 16:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
菜籽油vegetable oil ?
发表于 2009-2-28 11:51:10 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢,太有用了 !!!我实在是需要了!
发表于 2009-3-2 10:38:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-3-2 12:45:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-3-2 16:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
菜籽油(canola oil)
发表于 2009-3-5 20:06:15 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!I take it!
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