发表于 2008-12-1 12:17:02
原帖由 qqkukub 于 2008-10-22 00:28 发表
The results support our hypothesis that as the season progresses and forage quality declines, maternal tissues become less responsive to insulin, indicating that targeted supplementation with glucogenic precursors during these seasons of nutritional stress may improve cow performance.
Interannual variation in the quantity and quality of rangeland forage in the Northern Great Plains, as well as throughout much of the western United States, may play a pivotal role in how well grazing ruminants sequester nutrients in their tissues.
This variation in forage quality may influence the ability of a beef cow to utilize dietary nutrients via changes in tissue responsiveness to insulin.
草料质量的变化可能通过改变体组织对胰岛素的敏感性而影响肉用母牛(beef cow?)对日粮营养素的利用能力。 |