Y.M.Bao, M.Choct,P.A.Iji,and K. Bruerton
2007 J.Appl.Poult.Res.16:448-455
Supplementation of trace minerals with a large safety margin in broiler chickens has resulted in a high level mineral excretion that ends up in the environment. Organically complexed trace minerals (organic mineral) may be able to replace the inorganic trace minerals, because the former appear to have a greater bioavailability. Therefore, a 29-d cage study that included diets with supplemental trace minerals from organic and inorganic sources based on a trace mineral deficient control diet was conducted to examine the possible response of broiler chickens to organic mineral supplements. The results showed that supplementation with 4 mg of Cu and 40 mg each of Fe, Mn, and Zn from organic source may be sufficient for normal broiler growth to 29d of age. It is possible to use these lower levels of organic trace minerals in broiler diets to avoid high level of trace mineral excretion.
表1 对照组日粮组成
高粱 771 大豆分离蛋白 175 植物油 16 碳酸钙 12.46 磷酸钙 18.2 食盐 2.5 赖氨酸盐酸盐 1蛋氨酸 2.34 维生素-矿物质预混料 1 合计 1000
代谢能(Kcal/kg)3125 CP, % 22.5 Ca,% 0.84 AP,% 0.42, 赖氨酸,% 1.12
铜,mg/kg(饲料分析值)4.2 铁,mg/kg(饲料分析值)42.19
锰,mg/kg(饲料分析值)14.82 锌,mg/kg(饲料分析值)20.38
VA 10000 IU VD3 2500IU VE 50 mg VB1 2 mg VB2 10 mg
烟酰胺 50mg D-泛酸钙 7 mg 吡哆醇 7 mg VB12 25 µg 生物素 250µg
硒 0.3 mg 碘 1 mg 钼 0.5 mg 钴 0.25 mg
分别加有机铜 2 4 8 无机铜 5
有机铁 20 40 80 无机铁 70
有机锰 20 40 80 无机锰80
有机锌 20 40 80 无机锌 50
1) 0-7 日龄的采食量(克/只),差异不显著
对照组 147.6 低有机组 146.9 中有机组 145.6
高有机组 151.0 无机组 154.6
2) 体增重: 克/只, 差异显著
对照组 979.9c 低有机组 1380.7b 中有机组 1499.5a 高有机组 1494.5a
无机组 1481.9a
3)0-29天采食量 :克/只, 差异显著
对照组 1567.5b 低有机组2077.1a 中有机组2100.3a 高有机组2137.4a
对照组 1.59±0.093a 低有机组1.510±0.094b 中有机组 1.403±0.067c
高有机组 1.432±0.052bc 无机组 1.493±0.069b