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发表于 2008-5-19 12:25:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
奶牛养殖小区是现阶段我国奶牛业规模化、产业化养殖的重要方式,是科技进步和发展畜牧业规模经济的有效载体,是中国奶业发展特殊阶段的特定产物,是规模牛场发展过程中的一种过渡形式。研究制定与现代奶业发展相吻合,探索奶牛养殖小区建设的标准化组织模式,改善生产环境,是提高畜产品质量,增强竞争力,促进奶业可持续发展的战略举措。作者以奶牛产业带及生产重点区域为基础,以北方奶牛小区的调研为主,综合我国奶业规模小、效益低、生产和管理水平低、竞争无序等特征,采用现场询问法、观察法、统计法了解这些地区典型奶牛养殖小区的组织模式与生产现状,并为寻求规模化奶牛养殖小区最适组织模式及其演化的研究提供基础。通过深入调查北方地区不同区域养殖小区的生产模式,饲养规模、管理形式及生产防疫制度等内容,收集、调查国内已建、在建养殖小区第一手资料。针对不同地区、不同类型的养殖小区,选择何种组织模式有效地进行小区建设进行探讨。本文通过查阅大量国内外相关文献,结合实地调研,对奶牛规模化养殖小区的组织模式发展现状及存在的问题进行了分析, 并以北方地区奶牛养殖小区为例,就其现状与组织模式现状进行了综合评价与分析,并提出了相应的对策。分析结果表明,无论奶牛养殖小区采取何种模式,发展生态养殖小区是当今趋势。小区建设要从生态学角度出发,从环境保护人手,全力打造生态奶业。小区突出以绿色、环保技术为支撑,从选种选配、饲草种植与加工、科学养殖、疾病防治、机械化挤奶、鲜奶贮存与运输、废弃物元害化处理与综合利用融为一体,实现从鲜奶生产源头到加工生产前全过程绿色、无污染的奶业生产体系,达到经济、生态、社会三大效益的有机统一。目前我国的奶牛养殖小区,虽然采用了自然通风、在运动场搭设临时遮阳篷等降温措施,但效果并不理想。本论文在对北京、山东、河北等地典型奶牛养殖小区实地调研和现场测试。结果表明:在高温季节,奶牛全天基本处于热应激状态,因此,在奶牛养殖小区,必须采取综合的降温措施,才能在高温季节缓解热应激对奶牛生产的不利影响。奶牛养殖小区是改变“小、散、低”的传统奶牛养殖模式的必然趋势,是提升原料奶生产力水平、满足乳制品质量要求的现实选择。现存组织模式对促进中国农村奶牛养殖业的发展都做出了一定的贡献,在满足质量安全效益目标方面都存在着各自的优缺点,都存在组织改进的空间。未来奶牛养殖小区组织应向提升新价值创造能力和成本协同降低能力,建立生产者参与管理决策的机制的方向演化,并实现向现代化的规模养殖场的转变。由于养殖小区在我国是一个新生事物,对其温热环境研究较少,小区建设无统一标准,夏季牛舍内温热环境会对奶牛造成了严重的热应激, 奶牛养殖小区温热环境设计应综合考虑采取一些必要的降温管理措施为奶牛提供适宜的生产环境。
发表于 2008-5-20 13:52:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-20 14:21:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-20 16:09:58 | 显示全部楼层


Dairy cattle breeding area at this stage is the scale of China's dairy industry and industrialization of the farming of important ways, is the scientific and technological progress and the development of animal husbandry an effective carrier of economies of scale, China's dairy industry is the development of special stage of a particular product, is the size of cattle farm in the course of development A transitional form. Study and formulate the development of the modern dairy industry in line, and explore the building of dairy cattle breeding area of ISO mode, improve the production environment, is to improve the quality of livestock products, enhance competitiveness and promote sustainable development of the dairy industry strategic initiatives.


参与人数 1论坛币 +20 收起 理由
bonderic + 20 谢谢参与 


发表于 2008-5-20 22:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-21 11:32:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-21 13:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
Developing dairy cattle raising communities is a very important way to intensify and industrialize the mode of dairy cattle raising in our country at present time.It is
also an effective carrier to benefit the improvement of science and technology and intensive economy of animal husbandry.However it is just a product during the specific development peroid  of china’s dairy industry and it is only a transitional existence.To promote the quality of animal product,strengthen ability of competition and maintain continuous development of dairy industry we should take strategic measures to investigate standard mode of organization suitable to modern dairy industry development and establishment of dairy cattle raising communities. Basing on
zones of dairy industry and specific important areas of production the author mainly investigate the northern dairy cattle raising communities.After careful consideration of our country’s small scale dairy industry,poor profitability,low level of production and management,disordered competition et al.,the auther investigate the mode of organization and situation of production in the most important areas by asking questions,observation and statistics and provide basis for the research of optimal organization of dairy cattle raising communities and evolution of the community.According to dairy cattle raising communities of different areas and modes selection of the mode of organization effective to establish communities has been discussed.This article refered a lot of literatures and with the aid of spot investigation the
current development of intensive dairy cattle raising communities and existing problems have be analyzed.Furthermore dairy cattle raising communities have been chosen as examples to synthetically evaluate and analyze the current situation and mode of organisition and counter measures have been listed out.Results of analysis indicate that whatever mode of dairy cattle raising communities
adopted,the current popular mode of community is ecological animal raising community.Construction of community must take into account ecology and environmental protection and great efforts should be taken to make ecological dairy industry.Communities should be basically supported by green and environmental protective technologies and realize green and absolutely clean dairy production system in the complete making process from the raw milk to the processing procedure by elaborately monitoring of selective mating,planting and treatment of grass,scientific raising,disease prevention,mechanic milking,storage and transportation of fresh milk, detoxication treatment and systematic
utilization of litters.Then an economical,econogical and sociological animal raising community will be realized.Systematic ventilation measures should be adopted to alleviate the deleterious effects of heat stress on dairy cattle during the high temperature season and ensure the organic uniting of large interest.At present time natural ventilation and temporary sunlight shielding roofs have been used in many dairy cattle raising communities in our country.But the result is not very effective.The article covered some spot investigations and tests carried out in typical dairy raising communities of Beijing,Shandong and Hebei province.The results indicate that during hot season dairy cattle is under the situation of heat stress all the day.so in the dairy cattle raising communities the traditional small,scattering and low mode of dairy cattle raising is certainly to be changed and a more practical choice will be made to promote the production of raw milk and satisfy the quality requirement of dairy products.The current existing mode of organization to some extent contributed to the development of
china’s rural area dairy raising industry and has both beneficial and detrimental effects on meeting the goal of safe and profitable quality,and can still be improved organically.Future dairy cattle raising communities should take efforts to promote the ability of value creation and at the same time cost saving,and develop in the direction of admitting workers take part in the mechanism of decision making and modern intensive raising.As animal raising community is a new thing in our country little research has been done to investigate the environmental temperature.there is no standard available for community construction.So in the summer the housing environment will pose severe heat stress to dairy cattle.The design of housing system should take every necessary cooling measure into consideration to provide dairy cattle with pleasant environment for living and production

[ 本帖最后由 wning 于 2008-5-21 13:59 编辑 ]


参与人数 1论坛币 +30 收起 理由
bonderic + 30 谢谢你的参与。不过确实如你所言,在连接方 ...


发表于 2008-5-21 18:49:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-5-28 18:13:54 | 显示全部楼层

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