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[畜牧新闻] EU confirms 2012 date for ban on raising hens in small battery cages

发表于 2008-1-13 16:50:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EU confirms 2012 date for ban on raising hens in small battery cages
Posted by: JimEdwards on Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 03:20 PM

BRUSSELS, Belgium -- A European Union-wide ban on keeping laying hens in small battery cages will, according to this story, come into force as planned in 2012, the European Commission said Tuesday. The commission pointed to a new report showing the ban will benefit animal welfare benefits without significantly harming farmers' incomes.

"There is scientific and economic support for the ban on conventional battery cages," EU Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou was quoted as saying.
对通产笼养蛋鸡的禁止,是有科学和财政支持的,欧盟健康委员Markos Kyprianou引经据典说。

EU nations agreed in 1999 to phase out the cages by Jan. 1, 2012, after lengthy campaign by animal rights groups who claimed that farming hens in small cages was cruel. After the deadline, laying hens will have be raised in the open air or barns, or be kept in cages of at least 750 square centimeters (116.28 sq. inches) per bird equipped with a nest, litter, perch and clawing board.

In a statement, the European Commission cited a report which said that cost of switching to the so-called "enriched cages" could be less than 1 percent per egg. The EU's executive branch said improving conditions for hens could boost sales, as consumers are increasingly concerned about animal welfare.

“This is the right decision for the welfare of millions of hens kept for egg production across Europe,” said Sonja Van Tichelen, director of the Euro group for Animals. The Brussels-based federation of animal welfare organizations said some battery hens are currently kept in wire cages no bigger than a sheet of typing paper.

欧盟动物组织主管Sonja Van Tichelen说:从动物福利来讲,这项禁令是一个正确的决定。全欧洲数现在有数以百万的蛋鸡被迫在小格笼里产蛋。布勒塞尔联邦的动物福利组织说,现在一些铁笼里饲养的蛋鸡,每个小笼子大小超不过1张打印纸。

Some leading supermarket chains in Britain announced last week they were planning to phase out sales of eggs from battery hens before the ban.


[ 本帖最后由 monica 于 2008-1-13 16:52 编辑 ]
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