2,该文章的结论是:在0-7天,使用高钠(0.4% 0.45% ,来自氯化钠)日粮,体重明显要高于其他钠水平及钠源,饲料转化率也最好。但是这种优势在35天时不再保持,各种钠来源及水平的试验组,体重和饲料转化率再无区别。以前也看过一篇类似的文章,不同蛋白源及能量来源的开口料,在后期差异也不再显著,尽管前7天有区别。
所以后面想接着说的就是:在猪料中,断奶料前后的日粮营养对后期的影响究竟如何,是象我们经常说的那样吗?断奶的体重对后期影响如何如何。。。,为什么鸡上就不是如此呢? 是因为饲养时间太短,还是因为鸡的补偿生长能力强? 如果是这样,那我们在作饲料的时候,是不是又多了个思路?
Evaluation of high levels of sodium in broiler pre-starter diets
J.B. Yang
F. Yan and P. W. Waldroup
It has been suggested that high levels of sodium(Na) fed during the 7 days of the chick life will enhance growth rate and improve subsequent performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate different levels of Na fed during the 7 days, using both sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to also control levels of chloride fed. A diet was formulated to meet nutrient needs of the chick from 0-14 day of age, with nutrient levels typical of those used in the US broiler industry. The base diet contained 0.20%, 0.25%, 0.30%, 0.35%.0.40% and 0.45% from both Na source. Diets was fed in mash. Each of these treatments was assigned to 12 pens of 5 male broiler chicks (Cobb 500) in battery brooders and fed for the first 7 days post hatch. At this time, six of the replicated pens were placed on the diet with 0.20% Na for the remainder of the study through 35 days of age. The other six pens were fed the original levels and sources of sodium for the remainder of the study at 35 day of age. Body weight (BW) and feed intake (FI) were measured at 7, 14, and 35 day of age. Results showed that feeding Na levels of 0.40% and 0.45% , especially when the source was NaCl, resulted in an increase in BW at 7 day of age as compared to those fed the diet with 0.20% Na. There was some carryover effect of this BW increase at 14 day of age but by 35 day of age there were no significant differences in BW among those fed different Na levels from 0 to 7 day or those maintained on the high Na levels to 35 day. Similar effects were observed for feed conversion ratio (FCR); higher levels of Na resulted in improvements at 7 day with no lingering effect at 14 day and 35 day of age. It can be concluded that feeding higher than normal Na level in diets fed from 0 to 7 day of age may result in increase in BW and feed conversion but this effect does not persist to 35 day.