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[其他信息] 天天翻译:译摘要,得论坛币,长英语

发表于 2007-5-31 15:43:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






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[ 本帖最后由 中国西翁 于 2007-6-18 20:03 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 15:55:07 | 显示全部楼层
望管理员把此帖设为置顶帖,呵呵如有可能设为总置顶一段时间那就更好了,让更多人知道参与!;1s: 没人参与可:L
发表于 2007-5-31 16:02:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-31 16:35:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 16:36:32 | 显示全部楼层
    One of the easiest ways to get an animal to do something is through feeding. Feeding
behaviour is the effort of an animal to fulfi l one of its most basic needs. It links the
discipl ines of nutrition and ethology, and covers a broad spectrum of behavioural
studies from intricate measures of bite size in rats to binocular observations of foraging in wild ungulates. We sometimes fi nd it diffi cult to distinguish between exploratory and foraging behaviour, as the latter traditionally comprises both appetitive and consummatory phases. Different species display fascinating temporal patterns in their feeding behaviour from  animals managing without food for extended periods to animals that need to eat
every few hours. Feeding behaviour also contains such diverse aspects as rumination,
coprophagy,and contra-free loading; there are changes over time due to the
experience, maturity and size of the animal, as well as seasonal changes.
      The study of feeding behaviour has given rise to a vast body of literature. Some are
concerned with the concepts of hunger and satiety, whereas others deal with feeding
behaviour in much broader terms, such as daily food intake. Short-term feeding
behaviour lies in this overlap. Short-term feeding behaviour encompasses the
`what to eat` and the `when to eat`, and spans from bite and mouthful over feeder
visit to meals and daily food intake. The intricate correlations and dependencies between
the various measures of short-term feeding behaviour in the way in which an animal
obtain its daily food intake will be discussed. This will demonstrate how feeding behaviour is a very important tool in understanding the relative importance of food intake, social
constraint and behavioural synchrony of a group. Examples will be given of how
ethologists and nutritionists can utilise the otherwise hidden information, that studies of
feeding behaviour can reveal.

Hypotheses of the function of social facilitation include local resource competition,
learning about new food and increasing group synchronisation. To distinguish among
these hypotheses, information about the proximate causal factors involved is required.
In a series of four experiments we studied social facilitation and feeding in hens. Factors
investigated were (1) pecking intensity and food consumed by the stimulus bird by
altering the food deprivation time between 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours, (2) feeding motivation of the test bird by depriving the test bird for 0, 1, 6 or 12 hours, (3) whether food was novel in combination with differences in familiarity and rank of the stimulus bird and
(4) the novelty of food and whether stimulus bird were feeding. None of the different
deprivation treatments in experiments 1 and 2 affected social facilitation and no effects
of rank or familiarity of the stimulus bird was found. In experiment 3, testing novel food, test birds ate more of novel than familiar food (P=0.004). But in experiment 4, test birds ate more familiar than novel food (P=0.015) and in addition test birds ate more when
stimulus birds were feeding compared to standing (P=0.034), implying social facilitation.
In conclusion, social facilitation was only found in one experiment and the hypothesis
that social facilitation is caused by local resource competition or that the function is to
learn about new food resources can not be fully supported. Since social facilitation was
not always found, not even in the basic experimental setup designed to trigger social
facilitation, we also propose that social facilitation is not as clear a phenomenon as is
often proposed.

3.Social rank and feeding behaviour of group-housed sows fed competitively
or ad libitum 作者:F. Brouns*, S.A. Edwards
    来自:Applied Animal Behaviour Science 39 (1994) 225-235
A restricted feeding regimen is adopted in commercial practice to maintain an
almost constant body-condition of the sow throughout the reproductive cycle.
Depending on the manner of distribution of this limited amount of food between
sows in a group-housing situation, competition can result in unequal distribution
of food and loss of condition of low-ranking sows (Brouns and Edwards, 1992 ).
This kind of competition is likely to occur in feeding systems where the food is
distributed once or twice daily on the floor (floor-feeding) and is aggravated by
a low feeding level (McBride et al., 1964; Baxter, 1983 ). A conventional diet is
concentrated in nutrients and although it is sufficient for good health and performance,
it might not fulfil other needs of the sow, since the small amount of
food is unlikely to give a feeling of satiety (Lawrence et al., 1988 ). Provision of
a diet ad libitum should, in theory, obviate the need for competition and eliminate
negative consequences for low-ranking sows.

4. Behaviour of pigs with viral and bacterial pneumonia
       作者:Jeffery Escobar, William G. Van Alstine,
       来自:Applied Animal Behaviour Science Volume 105, Issues 1-3,
The behavioural response to infection is well organized and may enhance disease
resistance and facilitate recovery, but the behaviour of pigs with an acute respiratory
infection has not been assessed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate
behaviour of pigs inoculated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh) and porcine
reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Sixty-four pigs were subjected
to one of four treatment combinations (2 × 2 factorial) of Mh (inoculated at 4 weeks of
age) and PRRSV (inoculated at 6 weeks of age). The four treatments were (1) control, (2) inoculation with Mh, (3) inoculation with PRRSV, and (4) inoculation with both Mh
and PRRSV. One-half of the pigs from each treatment were killed 7 days after PRRSV
inoculation for purposes unrelated to this study and hence were not used for
behavioural analysis. Pigs that were included were video recorded during the 18 h light
phase for 13 days beginning the day of PRRSV inoculation. Food intake and time spent
feeding,active (standing, including walking, sitting, or feeding) and lying were
determined. When pigs were lying a determination was made as to whether they were
lying ventrally or laterally, and in contact with a penmate. Body temperature was
measured 7 and 14
days after PRRSV inoculation. After inoculation with PRRSV, there was no significant
main effect of Mh or interaction between Mh and PRRSV for food intake, body
temperature, or any behaviour measured. Thus, the four treatments were pooled to
form two treatments designated PRRSV negative (control and Mh; PRRSV−) and
PRRSV positive (PRRSV and Mh with PRRSV; PRRSV+) and analyzed. Each day after
PRRSV inoculation, PRRSV+ pigs spent less time (P = 0.005) feeding compared to
PRRSV− pigs, and the decrease in feeding time was associated with a decrease in food
intake (P < 0.001). PRRSV+ pigs decreased (P < 0.001) activity after inoculation with
PRRSV compared to PRRSV&#8722; pigs and the amount of time spent lying was greater
(P < 0.001) in PRRSV+ pigs compared to PRRSV&#8722; pigs. Furthermore, PRRSV+ pigs
spent more of their total lying time in a ventral position (P = 0.06) and in contact with
a penmate (P < 0.001) compared to PRRSV&#8722; pigs. Body temperature was increased
(P < 0.001) in PRRSV+ pigs 7 days after PRRSV inoculation. Since sickness behaviour
and fever are adaptive responses to infection, these data indicate that pigs with an
acute PRRSV infection evoke a behavioural strategy that may support recovery.


[ 本帖最后由 中国西翁 于 2007-6-2 19:06 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 16:39:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Gerrard 于 2007-5-31 16:35 发表

发表于 2007-5-31 21:02:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-31 22:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-1 12:54:48 | 显示全部楼层
对采食行为的研究大大拓宽了了对机体的研究。一些研究把它和饱感和饥饿感联系在一起,另外的则通过其他的一些方法,如计算日采食量,短期饲喂等。短期饲喂就包含了“饲喂什么”和“什么时候饲喂”两方面的问题。以及采食速度和日采食量等。本文对不同措施的短期饲喂方法对动物采食量的影响进行讨论,本文举例说明为何了在理解采食食物,社会约束和群体行为同步化的相对重要性上采食行为是非常重要的一种工具 本文举例说明了个体生态学家和营养学家如何利用一些潜在的隐藏信息来揭示动物采食行为的机理。
The intricate correlations and dependencies        between   
the various measures of short-term feeding behaviour in the way in which an animal
obtain its daily food intake will be discussed.

[ 本帖最后由 huiseren 于 2007-6-1 13:03 编辑 ]


参与人数 1 +2 收起 理由
中国西翁 + 2 共同继续努力


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-1 15:03:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #10 huiseren 的帖子


and covers a broad spectrum of behavioural studies from intricate
measures of bite size in rats to binocular observations of foraging in
wild ungulates.
采食行为的研究覆盖了从小鼠一口量(bite size)的复杂测量到通过望远镜对野生
as the latter traditionally comprises both appetitive and consummatory
后者(foraging behaviour)一般包括两部分即寻找和采食
Different species display fascinating temporal patterns in their
feeding behaviour from animals managing without food for extended
periods to animals that need to eat every few hours.
Feeding behaviour also contains such diverse aspects as rumination,
coprophagy, and contra-free loading; there are changes over time due to
the experience, maturity and size of the animal, as well as seasonal
contra-free loading:用英语解释就是in that they have a tendency
to work for food rather than accept ‘free’ food from a feeder ,就是

The study of feeding behaviour has given rise to a vast body of
The intricate correlations and dependencies between the various
measures of short-term feeding behaviour in the way in which an animal
obtain its daily food intake will be discussed
This will demonstrate how feeding behaviour is a very important tool in
understanding the relative importance of food intake, social constraint
and behavioural synchrony of a group. 这句话你翻译的很好啊,behavioural
synchrony of a group群体行为同步化,很好。
Examples will be given of how ethologists and nutritionists can utilise
the otherwise hidden information, that studies of feeding behaviour can



参与人数 1论坛币 +96 收起 理由
山中的漫游者 + 96


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