

Genetics and evolutio….pdf

浏览次数: 1252 贡献作者: animalchem 文档大小: 6.68 MB
下载次数: 9 贡献时间: 2011-03-29
25 论坛币

浏览次数: 1252 贡献作者: animalchem 文档大小: 6.68 MB
下载次数: 9 贡献时间: 2011-03-29
25 论坛币

Genetics and evolution of the domestic fowl, Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, First published 1991, Transferred to digital printing 2005, 319页,PDF文件,完整电子版,可用金山词霸取词。这本书对于家禽的遗传和进化的主要领域,其中包括经典遗传学、细胞遗传学、分子遗传学和数量遗传学,给予了有条不紊的最新说明。在每一章的开头都对有关遗传原理给予扼要的解释,然后再通过关键例子(有插图)进行充分的讨论。这本书适用于研究生,以及遗传学、农业、兽医及家禽育种(商业育种或非商业育种者)领域的研究人员。 Contents: Preface 1 The history and evolution of the domestic fowl 2 The cellular organisation of genetic material 3 The transmission of inherited characters 4 Sex determination and sex-linked inheritance in the domestic fowl 5 Linkage and chromosome mapping 6 Genes controlling feathering and plumage colour 7 Muscle, nerve and skeleton 8 Lethal genes in domestic fowl 9 Quantitative genetics 10 Protein evolution and polymorphism 11 Immunogenetics of the domestic fowl 12 Gene cloning, sequencing and transfer in the domestic fowl APPENDIX i Linkage groups and the chromosome map in the domestic fowl APPENDIX II Oncogenes 2 APPENDIX in The Chi squared (x2) test APPENDIX iv One letter amino acid code APPENDIX v The genetic code Glossary Index

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