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[养猪] 双层圈舍对育肥猪的行为、生长性能和屠体数据的影响

发表于 2017-3-28 09:12:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



A. Bulens , S. Van Beirendonck, J. VanThielen, N. Buys and B. Driessen

育肥猪的行为、生长性能和屠体数据的影响。总共444头猪分配至正常圈舍的对照组(0.74 m2/头)和双层圈舍的试验组(0.99m2/头)。料槽仅位于地面一层。结果表明圈舍容量的增加以及双层圈舍的使用对猪只的行为有积极的影响,表现出猪间打斗行为变的更少(P < 0.0001)。而且,双层圈舍内的猪只更加喜卧(P =0.0007)且撞头行为减少(P = 0.005),这表明猪只变的更加镇静。除此之外,双层圈舍内的猪只尾巴(P = 0.006)、耳朵(P = 0.008)和肩膀(P = 0.01)部位的感染更少。生长性能并没有多大改善(P> 0.05),但屠体数据表明双层圈舍内饲养猪只的白斑肝减少。这一结果可能与较低饲养密度导致的较低的疾病压力有关。


A two-level pen for fattening pigs: Effects on behavior, performance, and post slaughter measurements

A. Bulens , S. Van Beirendonck, J. Van Thielen, N. Buys and B. Driessen

Concurrent with a tendency toward higher slaughter weights of fattening pigs, minimum requirements for space allowance are increasing. Allowing pigs more space in existing standard pens, however, leads to a decrease in the number of pigs per pen, which jeopardizes the economic viability of the pig farm. A possible solution includes creating a two-level pen by constructing a second level in an existing pen, to enable an increase in space allowance per pig with the same number of pigs. We investigated the effect of such a pen on the behavior, performance, and post slaughter results of fattening pigs during the entire fattening period (30 to 110 kg). A total of 444 pigs were distributed over standard control pens (0.74 m2/pig) and two-level pens (0.99 m2/pig). Feed was provided only in a trough at the ground level of the pen. The results show that the increased space allowance and choice of levels in two-level pens influenced the pigs’ behavior in a positive way, as they performed less manipulation of pen mates (P< 0.0001). Moreover, pigs lay down more (P = 0.0007) and showed less head knocking (P = 0.005) in two-level pens, suggesting that they were calmer. In line with the behavioral results, pigs in two-level pens had fewer lesions on tails (P = 0.006), ears (P = 0.008), and shoulders (P = 0.01). Growth performance was not affected (P > 0.05), but post slaughter measurements revealed fewer livers with white spots in pigs from two-level pens. This result might be related to lower disease pressure in pens with lower stocking densities. In conclusion, a two-level pen seemed to have positive effects on the behavior of pigs (in terms of pen mate manipulation) and the increase in space allowance seemed to make the pigs calmer. The use of the second level by heavier pigs should, however, be further studied to investigate whether this extra space could be fully counted for the minimal space requirements.

来源:猪营养国际论坛CSIS   翻译:李光燃

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