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[养猪] 美国/中国关于猪麸皮消化率的研究

发表于 2017-1-3 13:59:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  US/Chinese study wheat bran digestibility in pigs


  Research conducted by US and Chinese researchers is helping to determine the nutritional value of wheat bran in diets fed to pigs. More inclusion of wheat bran meant less energy available for pigs.


  A news update by the University of Illinois explained about the research, written by scientists from theUniversity of Illinois, USA and the China Agricultural University in Beijing, China. It was recently published in the Journal of Animal Science.


  Wheat bran, like many other co-products from the human food industries, contains more fibre than corn and soybean meal, which adversely affects energy digestibility.


  Co-products for pigs喂猪的副产品

  “To save on feed costs, more producers are turning to co-products,” explained Dr Hans H. Stein, professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois. “Therefore, there is a need to determine the energycontribution from fibre-rich ingredients. But the effect of dietary fibre on heat production and net energy of diets is unclear.”


  The research was conducted in the calorimetry unit at China Agricultural University. Growing barrows were fed diets containing 0, 15, or 30% wheat bran. The pigs were housed in metabolism crates inside calorimetry chambers built to measure gas exchange and heat production.



  Photo: Koos Groenewold

  More wheat bran, less energy麸皮越多,能量越少

  The digestible energy (DE), metabolisable energy (ME), and net energy (NE) in the diets declined as more wheat bran was included. The DE content of diets containing no wheat bran was 3,454 kcal/kg, compared with 3,161 kcal/kg in diets containing 30% wheat bran. The ME content of the diets decreased from 3,400 to 3,091 kcal/kg, and NE content decreased from 1,808 to 1,458 kcal/kg.

  日粮中含有麸皮,其消化能DE,代谢能ME,和净能NE的利用是会打折扣的。当日粮中不含麸皮时,消化能DE是3,454kcal/kg。相比之下,当日粮中添加30%的麸皮时,消化能DE下降到3,161kcal/kg ;代谢能ME从3,400下降到3,091kcal/kg;净能NE从1,808下降到1,458kcal/kg。

  The research also validated a procedure commonly used to determine NE. Using the difference procedure, Stein’s team determined the DE, ME, and NE of wheat bran to be 2,168, 2,117, and 896 kcal/kg, respectively. These values were similar to those derived using a regression procedure.

  这项研究还用于确定净能NE的一般验证过程。通过不同的步骤,Stein’s 的团队确认了麸皮中消化能DE,代谢能ME,和净能NE分别为2,168, 2,117 和896kcal/kg。这些值与通过线性回归方程得出的结果相类似。

  Accurate digestibility values.准确的消化率值

  Stein says that DE and ME are usually determined using the difference procedure, but NE is usually determined using regression equations. As far as he knows, nobody has compared values derived from the difference procedure with values derived via regression.

  Stein 说,消化能DE和代谢能ME一般需要通过不同的过程来确定,而净能NE可通过回归方程来确定。就他所知,没有人对通过不同程序得出的线性回归结果价值进行过比较。

  “Since experiments to determine NE via the difference procedure are more difficult to conduct than determining DE and ME, it’s helpful to know that using regression to determine NE will yield an accurate value,” Stein concluded.


  The paper, ‘Wheat bran reduces concentrations of digestible, metabolizable, and net energy in diets fed to pigs, but energy values in wheat bran determined by the difference procedure are not different from values estimated from a linear regression procedure’, was published in the July 2016 issue of the Journal of Animal Science. It was co-authored by Neil Jaworski of the University of Illinois, and Dewen Liu and Defa Li of China Agricultural University in Beijing.

  本论文关于“在猪的日粮中,麸皮会降低能量的消化率、代谢浓度,而且麸皮中能量的含量及价值通过不用程序测定的结果与通过线性回归方程得出的结果没有差异”发表在2016年七月刊的《动物科学杂志》上,由伊利诺伊大学的Neil Jaworski,以及北京中国农业大学的刘德文和李德发教授合著。



发表于 2017-1-7 15:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
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