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A. Fines – PDI Poor 颗粒料中细粉多-PDI较差 B. Fines – PDI Good but Pellets Poor 颗粒料中细粉多-PDI较好,但颗粒差 C. Tons/Hour Low 颗粒机的台时产量低 D. Pellets Cube Too Short 立方颗粒/立方体太短 E. Pellets Burnt F. Pellets Mixed 饲料颗粒相互混杂 G. Low Yields 制粒产量低于混合产量 H. High Energy Cost 制粒能耗成本较高 I. High Gas/Oil Cost 制粒气耗/油耗成本较高 J. Crumbs Ton/Hr Low 破碎料的台时产量低 K. Pellets in Crumbs 破碎料有颗粒饲料 L. Cyclone and Ducting Plug 制粒系统的沙克龙和管道堵塞 M. Cyclone and Ducting Water Build-Up 制粒系统的沙克龙和管道内部有冷凝水 N. Die Won’t Start 环模不能启动 O. Die Tonnage Low 单只环模产量低 P. Slugs Water in Steam 供给制粒机中的蒸汽中含有水 Q. Pellet Density Too Light 制出的颗粒饲料的比重太轻 R. Ampere meter Surges 制粒机马达电流有波动 S. Main Motor Burns Out 制粒机主马达烧毁 T. Screener (Socks) Develop Holes 制粒系统分级筛(软连接)经常有破洞 U. Mash Temperatures Too Low 调质室出料口粉料温度太低 V. Mash Moistures Too Low 调质室出料口粉料水份太低 W. Cooler Exit Temp Too High 冷却器出口饲料温度太高 X. Cooler Exit Moisture Too High (i.e., higher than beginning mash) 冷却器出口饲料水分太高(例如:比混合后的粉料水分高) Y. Uneven Die Wear 环模磨损不均匀 Z. Broken Dies 环模破裂 AA. Die Holes Rolled 环模模孔被碾塞
A. FINES – PDI POOR 颗粒料中细粉多-PDI较差 1. Fat level too high or applied at wrong location (mixer vs. pellet mill) 饲料配方中脂肪水平太高或外加脂肪喷加在的位置错误(在混合机还是制粒机?) 2. Large particle size in the mash (fracture points) 粉料的颗粒粒度较大(细粉指数点) 3. Die worn out 环模已过度磨损 4. Conditioning poor 粉料调质不充分 Less than 15 second retention 粉料在调质室内的停留时间(调质时间)低于15秒 Not optimum moisture 出调质室的粉料的水分未达到最佳 Not optimum temperature 出调质室的粉料的温度未达到最佳 5. Die specs not correct for type feed – Low L/D 环模规格与饲料类型不匹配-低的长径比 6. Formulation – Ingredients inhibit binding (i.e., corn, gluten meal) 配方-原料抑制颗粒粘合(如玉米、植物蛋白粉的含量) 7. No pellet binders 没有 制粒粘结剂 8. Too much molasses 太多糖蜜添加 9. Poor cooling – i.e., cooler tray or screen plugged with molasses or ducting plugged. 冷却效果差-如冷却器隔栅或网被糖蜜堵塞、管道堵塞等等 10. Pellet screener plugged/wrong size screen or hole in screen 制粒分级筛堵塞/错误的筛网规格/筛网破动 11. Wrong die speed (cubes vs. small pellets) 错误的环模速度(立方体颗粒 与 小颗粒的制造环模应不同) 12. Hygroscopic ability of pellets (draws moisture) 颗粒吸湿能力较强(吸收水分) 13. Ingredient fiber content (expands after pelleting) 原料的纤维含量过高(制粒后膨胀) 14. Poor roll adjustment (too tight) 压辊调节错误(太紧) 15. Standards too high 产品标准设定太高 16. Tool little molasses 配方中太少糖蜜 17. Too much binder/creating dust 配方中粘结剂太多/造成粉尘 18. Cooler cycle overloads rotex capacity 冷却器的产能超过旋转分级筛的产能 19. Ingredient moisture too high 原料水分太高 20. Ingredient separation 原料在加工工序中分级 21. Rollers worn 压辊磨损 22. Running feed too fast 制粒时喂料速度过快 23. End of run fines sent to bin 运行结束后回粉被送进成品仓
B. FINES – PDI GOOD BUT PELLETS POOR 颗粒料中细粉多-PDI较好,但颗粒差 1. Cooler screen plugged 冷却器隔栅堵塞 2. Cooler ducting plugged 冷却器管道堵塞 3. Bed depth not correct 料床厚度不正确 4. Pellets hitting bin walls---作bin spout / bin leg 颗粒撞到成品仓仓壁 5. Truck and plant or customers conveying equipment, breaking pellets 卡车和工厂或客户输送设备,破坏饲料颗粒 6. Pellets cut too short 饲料颗粒切的太短 7. Hole in screen screen ---孔径,钢丝类型 饲料分级筛筛网破洞 8. Inadequate screening 不当的分级筛型号的选择 9. Wrong screen size 错误的筛网尺寸规格 10. High pellet temp after cooling 冷却后颗粒温度高 11. Running too many tons thru one bin – resulting in fines build-up when finally empty 连续太多吨数的饲料通过1个料仓-当最后空仓时导致饲料细粉较多 12. Shaker screens plugged 分级筛筛孔堵塞 13. Valves under shaker set improperly 分级筛下部两通阀流向设置不当 14. Valves under shaker not sealing 分级筛下部两通阀没有密封好 15. Valves under shaker worn out (hole in plate) 分级筛下部两通阀被磨穿(有洞) 16. Pellets cut too long 饲料颗粒切得太长 17. PDI test not done properly------PDI测试仪直径? PDI测试结果不准确 18. Bucket elevator back legging----提升机转速要求:mash/pellet/big pellet斗式提升机有回料现象. 斗的类型---S斗/Q斗 19. Loading product on top of truck tarp support breaks pellets 散料装车时卡车顶部帆布支撑导致料破坏 20. Too much molasses 饲料中糖蜜过量 21. High pellet moisture after cooling. 冷却后颗粒饲料水分高 22. Fines sent to bin at end of run. 制粒加工结束后细粉被送进料仓
C. TONS/HOUR LOW 制粒的台时产量低 1. Poor conditioning 粉了调质不完全 2. Conditioner not feeding evenly 调质器喂料流量不均匀 3. Less than 15 second retention 调质停留时间(调质时间)低于15s 4. Not optimum temp. 调质后的粉料的温度未达到最佳 5. Not optimum moisture 调质后的粉料水份未达到最佳 6. Not hydrating – at pellet mill or mixer? 没有水合作用-制粒系统内或混合机内 7. Formulation 配方因素 8. Poor steam quality 供应的蒸汽质量差 9. Inadequate steam volume 不充分的蒸汽供给量 10. Inadequate steam pressure 不当的供给蒸汽压力 11. Wrong die spec for product 相对产品品种,所选环模规格错误 12. Not using full load amps 制粒机没有满载运转 13. Die rolled over 环模孔碾塞 14. Rolls skidding – poor setting or bearings 压辊锁定问题-压辊设定不当或轴承磨损 15. Rolls worn out and should be replaced 压辊磨损应被更换 16. Wrong die speed – should be 900-1100 RPM cubes, 16-1800 RPM pellets 环模转动速度不当-应该立方颗粒饲料应为900-1100 RPM颗粒饲料应为1600-1800 RPM 17. Die area is square inches to HP ration <2---Standard:>2 环模开孔面积与功率(HP)比值<2 18. Feed plow not set correctly or worn too much 喂料犁设置错误或磨损过度 19. Particle size separation in mash bin 粉料颗粒在仓内分级 20. Light density feed (formulation?) 饲料比重小(配方因素) 21. Door chute has build-up 调质室到制粒腔的溜槽内有积料 22. Bearings worn – allow for wobble of quill 轴承磨损-晃动超过允差 23. Main shaft bearing is bad 主轴轴承坏 24. Feeder at top speed – needs speeding up 喂料器在最大速度-仍需要加速 25. Wrong type of rolls 压辊类型错误 26. Crumble rolls cannot handle load 破碎辊不能满载运转 27. Inadequate space in die cavity 环模模槽不当的间隙 28. Ampere meter reading incorrect amps 电流表数值显示错误 29. Die holes plugged with steel or feed 环模孔被杂铁或饲料堵住 30. Hole in rotex screens 旋转分级筛筛网有破洞 31. Wrong size rotex screens 旋转分级筛筛网规格错误 32. Screener discharge valves set incorrectly 分级筛下部排料阀设置错误 33. Large particle size 粉料颗粒偏大 34. Wrong die hole pattern 环模模孔排列错误 35. Face plate over rolls not tight 压辊表面与环模内表面配合不紧 36. Die cone not mounted properly 环模导料锥安装错误 37. Operator not challenging mill 操作工对制粒机没有挑战性 38. Cooler cannot handle load 冷却器不能操纵负载(冷却器能力较小) 39. Door seal not right – feed by-passing die 制粒机门密封不紧(环模与防护罩间隙较大)-饲料不经过环模 40. Poor ingredient quality – fat 原料质量差-脂肪高 41. Liquid addition wrong 液体添加量错误 42. Inadequate leg capacity 提升机能力不够 43. Uneven die wear 环模磨损不均匀 44. Inadequate screener capacity 分级筛能力不够
D. CUBES AND PELLETS TOO SHORT 颗粒/立方颗粒太短 1. Knives dull or set wrong 切刀迟钝或设置错误 2. Die speed too high 环模转动速度过高 3. Formulation 配方因素 4. Ingredient with large particle size 原料颗粒尺寸大 5. Wrong screen on rotex (should be 1/32 or 1/16 smaller than cube) 分级筛筛网规格错误(颗粒料应小于1/32英寸,立方颗粒料应小于1/16英寸) 6. Too much die relief - Low L/D 环模减压太多-压缩比太低 7. Move fat addition to outside of die 脂肪添加到颗粒机的环模外面喷加 8. Too much bentonite 配方中膨润土过多 9. Die friction too high 环模摩擦温度过高 10. Improper steam application 不正确的蒸汽供应系统的应用 11. Poor midds quality 次粉质量太差 12. Not cooled properly 冷却不完全 13. Bucket elevator back-legging and breaking product 斗式提升机内有返料,破坏颗粒 14. Product breaks against bin walls 产品撞击料仓内壁造成破损
E. PELLETS BURNT 饲料颗粒被烧焦 1. Heat sensitive ingredients – sugar, whey, etc. 配发中有热敏原料-如糖、乳清粉等等 2. Too thick a die – high L/D 环模太厚-长径比大 3. Poor conditioning – i.e., not enough moisture in meal 粉料调质不佳-如粉料水分不够 4. Not covering cooler opening when unplugging die 清理环模时没有盖住冷却器进料口 5. Rolled holes in die 环模孔碾塞 6. Poor mash distribution across die face 通过环模内表面的粉料分布不均匀 7. Formulation – too much rock (biofos – calcium – salt) 配方因素-太多矿物质(生物化石-钙-盐) 8. New die problem 新环模使用时 9. High die friction 环模摩擦温升高 10. No hydration 没有水合作用 11. Substandard ingredient received, fat content too low or fiber too high 接收低于标准规格的原料,脂肪含量太低或纤维含量太高 12. Bearing worn out in rolls 压辊轴承磨损 13. Rolls worn excessively 压辊极度磨损 14. Fines surge from cyclone 沙克龙料斗的回粉
F. PELLETS MIXED AND CUBES 颗粒饲料和立方颗粒饲料混料 1. Turning turnhead too quick分配盘 料仓分配盘转仓头转仓促太快 2. Product hanging in pellet bin not in mash bin 产品不再粉料仓而是在颗粒仓内结拱 3. Product hanging in cooler 颗粒在冷却器内结拱滞留 4. Product hanging in finished feed bin 颗粒在成品仓内结拱 5. Leak in valve or distributor 旋转筛下部的旁通阀或分配器内有漏料现象 6. Leak one bin to another 一个料仓漏料到另一个料仓 7. Product caught in equipment (diverters, slides, cooler, on top of crumb rolls, shaker screens, etc.) 产品残留在设备里(转向阀、滑动门、冷却器、破碎辊顶部、旋转分级筛内部) 8. Leg boot contamination 提升机底部交叉污染混合 9. Error in flow setting 流程设置错误 10. Problem with delivery equipment/truck not flushed out properly 传输设备有问题/卡车没有完全清洗干净 11. Inadequate cooler cleanout time 不当的冷却器清除时间(冷却器没有排净) 12. Floor not clean in between runs 批次间操作地板没有清洗干净 13. Solenoids for air valves not holding 气阀控制的电磁阀不能定位 14. Rotex screens don’t clean off between runs 批次(品种)更换时旋转分级筛没有清理 15. Distributor settings not lined up or not sealed 分配器设置不对或密封不好
G. LOW YIELDS 制粒后的包装产量低于其混合产量 1. Turning turnhead too quick 分配器换仓时转头转动太快 2. Product hanging in pellet bin 制粒仓内有结拱 3. Product hanging in cooler 冷却器内结拱 4. Product hanging in finished feed bin 成品仓内结拱 5. Leak in valve or distributor 旁通阀或分配器漏料 6. Leak one bin to another 一个料仓到另一个料仓漏料 7. Mixer scale not correct 混合时,称量不正确 8. Loadout scale or packer scale not correct 发货地磅或打包称称量不准确 9. Inadequate liquid (molasses) addition 液体(糖蜜)添加的量不准确 10. Too much die friction – Loss of moisture 环模摩擦热温升太高-水分损失 11. Mill plug (threw some product away) 制粒机堵机(清理时,丢掉一些产品) 12. Cooler working too good – loss of moisture 冷却器工作太好-丢失水分 13. Cyclone plugged 沙克龙堵机 14. Formula weight on computer too low 电脑上显示配方重量太低 15. Liquid meter calibration incorrect 液体流量机校准不对 16. Theft 偷窃 17. Mash cleaner screen plugged 粉料清理筛堵塞 18. Mash cleaner brushes/wipers worn 粉料清理器刷子磨损 19. Driver on for tare, off for gross 过磅时驾驶员在车上是皮重,出去时是驾驶员不在车上的毛重 20. Incorrect count/setbacks not accounted for头尾料 计算不对/头尾料没有计算在内 21. Fat spray system not working properly/not accurate 喷油系统运转不当/不精确 22. Ingredient left out of formula 有原料没有输入配方 23. Poor PDI at mills so lose when screening pellets at bulk loadout PDI太差当散装饲料装车时丢失细粉 24. Fines return from rotex plugged 旋转分级筛细粉回流管堵塞 25. Inaccurate pel coat dust addition 不当的颗粒涂粉加工 26. Didn’t run fines at end of run 颗粒机批次结束后没有做回粉 27. Mixing tolerances set too low on computer 电脑中混合允差设置标准太低
H. HIGH ENERGY COST (electrical) 能耗成本过高(电) 1. Not running at full load 没有满负荷运转 2. Equipment running during excessive downtime – i.e., cooler, fan, leg, conveyors 在设备运转中,有过多的故障停产时间-如冷却器、风机、提升机、刮板机故障等 3. Frequent plugs 堵机频繁 4. Running fines as they are generated instead of letting them build up and run all at one time at end of run 在批次结束时,回粉一边产生一边处理,而不是集中作一次处理. 5. Poor PF(fluidity) 粉料的流动性差 6. Faulty power meter 功率表错误故障 7. Too much horsepower for die 环模开放面积与功率(HP)比值太小 8. Insufficient steam 蒸汽供给不充分 9. Insufficient moisture 调质后的水分不充分 10. Formulation 配方因素 11. Short run lengths 批次产量太少 12. Faulty starter 不良的启动 13. Product mix, make many crumbles or feed lots 混料,造成许多破碎料和颗粒料混到一起 14. Wrong starter used 使用错误的启动器 15. Vibrators running excessively 过度地频繁震仓 16. Pellet mill motor running the wrong speed 制粒机主马达以错误的速度运行 17. Not utilizing hydration 没有利用水合作用 18. Poor motor efficiency 马达效率低 19. Poor die condition 环模工况差 20. L/D too high 长径比太高 21. Capacitor fuses blown/poor PF 电容器保险丝烧毁/流动性差 22. Die worn out 环模磨损
I. HIGH GAS OR OIL COST 高能耗/油-汽耗 1. Gas or oil leak 天然气或柴油泄漏 2. Boiler burning inefficiently – do burner test 锅炉燃烧效率差-做燃烧测试 3. Large loss due to space heaters 空间过大造成热损失(传导,对流,辐射) 4. Insulation inadequate 保温不当 5. Leaking steam trap – check make-up tank vent 疏水阀泄漏- 6. Faulty gas meter 油表有故障问题 7. Oil delivery less than billed 发货的油比订单少 8. High stack >100 º F temp over steam temp 锅炉的烟气温度超过炉内蒸汽温度100 º F 9. Scale in boiler 锅炉炉体内外积垢 10. Soot in tubes 烟管内积灰 11. Condensate not returned to boiler 冷凝水没有回收 12. Steam leak 蒸汽泄漏 13. Gas BTU value is low(水油/气比)做表跟踪1:12~16 油/气热值BTU太低 14. Low feedwater temperature 锅炉给水温度低于85度 15. Boiler door seals in poor condition 锅炉门密封不好 16. Too much conditioning in flaker 压块饲料调质过度 17. Steam harness not to spec 蒸汽管线不付合说明要求 18. Boiler low and high pressure switch not set correctly 锅炉低压/高压设定不正确 19. Boiler running on high fire when could be low fire or off 当锅炉可以小火运行时仍在大火运行 20. Blower leaks air on boiler 油炉主风机漏风
J. CRUMBS TONS/ HR LOW 破碎机台时产量低 1. Crumb screen leaks into returns 破碎后的分级筛漏料重回制粒机 2. Crumb roll corrugation not sharp 破碎辊的龋齿不锋利 3. Crumb roll setting not right for crumb screen size 相对于破碎料规格尺寸破碎辊间隙设置不正确 4. Too small a crumb 破碎粒度太小 5. Poor PDI pellet (See #A) 颗粒PDI太差 6. Crumb rolls not sized to handle cooler discharge 破碎机进料口不能处理冷却器排的料(破碎机与冷却器处理能力不匹配) 7. Formulation 配方因素 8. See #C 参考#C 9. Screener valves set wrong 分级筛下部两旁阀通设置错误 10. Don’t re-pellet and crumble fines at end of run 批次结束后被破碎的粉料没有被重新制粒 11. Rolls running too slow 破碎辊转速太低 12. Product not feeding evenly across crumble rolls 沿破碎辊方向喂料不均匀
K. PELLETS IN CRUMB 破碎料中有颗粒 1. Screen leaks 分级筛漏料 2. Valve leaks 分级筛下部两通阀漏料 3. Packing or finished feed bin hang-up with pellets and come out with crumbs 打包仓或成品仓颗粒料结拱,而后随破碎料排出 4. Overs not returned to crumb rolls 分级筛后的大破碎没有重新回到破碎机 5. Leg boot/cooler/equipment/hang-up 提升机底部/冷却器/设备/结拱 6. Worn side keepers in crumble rolls 破碎辊一边磨损光滑 7. Intermingled with pellets in delivery equipment 输送设备混有颗粒料 8. Shroud on top of rolls not set close enough 压辊上的盖板关闭不严 9. Rolls not set evenly/properly 压辊间隙没有设置均匀/正确 10. Deflector/valve not set all the way to crumbs 破碎机喂料挡板没有设置,都走向破碎方向 11. Wrong screen size 分级筛筛网规格错误 12. Wrong bin set 料仓设置错误 13. Hole in turnhead spout 分配器溜管有洞
L. CYCLONE AND DUCTING PLUG 沙克龙和风管堵塞 1. Not enough pitch on spout from cyclone to pellet mill feeder. 沙克龙到制粒机下部的喂料器的溜管没有足够的倾斜度和距离 2. Inlet to feeder not protected with a shroud to keep feed in bin from back flushing into fines portion of the screw 喂料器入口没有挡板保持回粉料持续地进入喂料绞龙 3. Excessive fines (See #1) 细粉太多(见#1) 4. Cyclone too small 沙克龙太小 5. Excessive condensation or fat build-up (see #13) 沙克龙内部过多的冷凝水或脂肪积聚 6. No bindicator in cyclone低料位器—防止堵塞 沙克龙没有低料位显示器 7. Airlock (negative air system) leaking air 关风器漏风 8. Fan worn or broken 风机破/破损 9. Cyclone cone rusted 沙克龙下部积料锥体生锈 10. Cooler air flow plugged so air is super saturated冷却器风流堵塞---空气过饱和 冷却器风道堵塞---空气为过饱和空气 11. Steam remains on when conditioner is empty and steam goes up fines return 调质器空时蒸汽仍停留进入回粉管 12. Rain blows into air outlet 雨水进入空气出口 13. Cyclone and pipe dented and creased 沙克龙和管道有凹痕和折痕 14. Airlock leaks air 关风器漏气 15. Cyclone too small/not insulated隔热保温 沙克龙太小/没有保温 16. Improper fan speed 不适合的风机速度
M. CYCLONE AND DUCTING WATER BUILD-UP 沙克龙和风管内部冷凝水积聚 1. Check for air restriction in ducting or cooler screen 检查管道或冷却器隔栅空气限制因素 2. Check air flow – should be greater than 1,000 CFM per ton/hour 检查空气流动速度-应该大于1,000 CFM per ton/hour 3. Fan worn out or slipping 风机磨损或皮带打滑 4. Air leaks in ducting 空气从管道泄漏 5. Cooler plugged (See #12) 冷却器堵塞 6. High humidity (weather) 空气相对适度大 7. Outside cyclone and duct in cold climates not insulated 在低温气候下沙克龙和管道没有保温 8. Fan turning wrong direction 风机转向错误 9. Excessive moisture addition from hydration 水合作用过多
N. DIE WON’T START 环模不能启动 1. Rolls not adjusting correctly 压辊没有正确调节 2. Holes rolled over 环模模孔碾塞 3. Die needs polish 环模需要磨制 4. Formula is too tough for new die or die too thick for formula 对新环模而言配方制粒性太低/对配方而言环模太厚 5. L/D too high 长径比太大 6. Excessive plugging模孔堵塞过多 模孔堵塞过多 7. Die not properly flushed 环模没有正确冲洗 8. Improper mash moisture 不合适的粉料水分 9. Wrong type of rolls 压辊类型错误 10. Die too hot 环模温度太高 11. Inadequate steam, liquids, hydration 不适的蒸汽、液体的添加和水合作用
O. DIE TONNAGE LOW 环模产量吨位低 1. Not matching rolls and dies – i.e., change die, but not roll 环模和压辊不匹配-例如:更换环模,但没有更换压辊 2. Running returns as generated回料过多 产生的回料太多 3. Too thick a die 环模太厚 4. High mineral or fiber formulation 配方矿物质或纤维含量过高 5. Poor die heat treatment or metallurgy 环模热处理或冶金技术差 6. Feed plows set wrong 喂料犁设置错误 7. Wrong metallurgy – chrome plus/stainless/alloy 冶金技术差-铬钢/不锈钢/合金 8. All the same with poor productivity – i.e., conditioning/retention time 生产率低-例如:调质时间 9. Rolls set too tight (roll over) 压辊设置太紧 10. Main bearing worn 主轴承磨损 11. Tramp metal 杂铁,金属等太多 12. Wrong hole pattern 环模模孔排列错误 13. Improper roll type 不当的压辊类型 14. Poor wear – quality ends die life 环模不耐磨 15. Improper well angle入料角 环模的入料角不当 16. Excessive fines return (cannot bypass screener at end of run) 回粉过多(批次结束后不能从分级筛旁通经过) 17. Hole in screener 筛网有孔
P. SLUGS OF WATER IN STEAM 蒸汽中含有水 1. Boiler water level too high 锅炉内水位太高 2. Film on top of boiler water 锅炉内水面有泡沫 (电导率<3000 / TDS<2500ppm) 3. Low spots in steam line 蒸汽管线上有低点(死点)有积水 4. Steam traps not working and in closed position 蒸汽疏水阀不工作和在封闭状态 5. Condensation lines sloped wrong 冷凝水管线倾斜度错误 6. Steam lines come off bottom instead of top of headers 供给管线不是从分汽缸的顶部,而是从下部供汽 7. Restrictions in steam line then act as pressure drops压头损失 蒸汽管线中压头损失(压力下降) 8. Lack of proper chemical treatment 供水缺少正确的化学药品处理 9. Separators not working 汽水分离器不工作 10. Low boiler PSI 低的锅炉供汽压力(PSI) 11. Boiler too small 锅炉配置太小 12. Inadequate separators and traps疏水器 不合适的汽水分离器和疏水器的选型 13. Condensate line plugged 冷凝水管线堵塞 14. TDS too high in boiler 锅炉炉水TDS太高 15. Steam regulator not working properly 蒸汽稳压阀没有完全工作
Q. PELLET DENSITY TOO LIGHT 制出饲料颗粒比重太轻 1. Running feed too fast 喂料的速度太快 2. High corn formula and is getting some extrusion effect 玉米含量高配方和达到到膨化效果(有些原料颗粒在经过环模后回产生膨化效果) 3. Formulation (high roughage) 配方因素(高粗粮) 4. Die thickness 环模厚度 5. Die speed 环模速度 6. No hydration 没有水合作用 7. Improper grind size 不当的粉碎粒度 8. Add fat at the die instead of the mixer 环模外喷油(加油),不是混合机 9. Pellets too long 颗粒太长 10. Too much moisture from hydration 水合作用后有太多水分 11. Product separation in mash bins 粉料仓内有颗粒分极现象
R. AMPMETER SURGES电流波动 制粒机主电机电流波动 1. Picks on conditioner are set incorrectly桨叶设置 调质器内桨叶设置不正确 2. Variable moisture in mash 调质后粉料水分含量变化不定 3. Faulty ampmeter or wiring 电流表或接线不对 4. Feeder screw worn 喂料绞龙磨损 5. Feed bridging in hopper 缓冲仓内架桥 6. Variable fines return 回来的回粉量变化不定 7. Water surges 水份波动 8. Rolls slipping 压辊打滑 9. Feed hanging in chute before die cavity 进入环模制粒腔之前在溜槽上架桥(结拱) 10. Centerfielder not working properly 中央喂料器没有正确工作 11. Bad roll bearing 压辊轴承坏了 12. Full pitch feeder screw 喂料绞龙为连续螺片 13. Small run size 批次生产量太小 14. Changeover time 换料时间 15. One roll set wrong 有一个压辊设置错误 16. Feed separation in mash bin 粉料仓饲内粉料分极 17. Feed cone not set correctly 给料椎设置不正确 18. Product separation 产品分极
S. MAIN MOTOR BURNS OUT 制粒机主马达烧毁 1. Motor service factor too low – should be 1.1 马达服务系数太低-应该是1.1 2. Improper motor insulation 马达绝缘不好 3. Too low starting torque – lower than 100% of full load 马达启动力矩太低-低于100%负载运转时 4. Employees using motor to clean out die by jogging 员工清理环模时使用电机点动运转次数太多 5. Running motor in overload condition 过载情形下运行电机 6. Inadequate air flow through motor 不适合的电机冷却风量 7. Bearing failure 轴承损坏 8. Rebuilt motor not correctly done? 电机重穿线时错误 9. Across line start 电动机直接全压启动 10. Starter not proper size 启动器规格不对 11. No overload protection – internal or external 没有过载保护-内部或外部的 12. Improper motor lubrication 不当的马达润滑油 13. Improper coupling alignment 不当的继电器联 14. Improper heater size 不当的热保护器选型 15. Contacts worn/chattering starter or single phasing 接触头磨损/启动器松动或缺相 16. Overload alarm set too high 过载报警值设置太高 17. Loose lug nuts on motor leads主电机螺母松动 主电机接线柱螺母松动 18. Motor not clean 马达没有清洁 19. Wire leads short against junction box 接线盒内线头太短相互靠着 20. Inadequate lightning protection 防雷保护不当 T. SCREENER SOCKS DEVELOP HOLES分级筛软联结有洞 分级筛软联结有洞 1. Screen intake and/or discharge openings are not centered with intake or discharge spouts 分级筛入口和/或排料口不居中 2. Longitudinal space for sock not correct软联结径向空间 软联结径向空间不对 3. Can an intersteel funnel liner be used so sock becomes a dust seal only? 软连接使用钢铁漏斗衬垫作为粉尘密封 4. Socks poor quality material 软连接材料质量差 5. Screen outlet and spouting not at same angle so one side of sock is stretched while other side is compressed 分级筛出口和溜管不再相同的角度导致软连接一边被压缩时一边张紧 6. Clamps not tight. 软连接夹子不紧
U. MASH TEMPERATURE TOO LOW 调质后粉料温度太低 1. If corn used has been over dried – too high heat used to dry the corn, suspect if corn is 11% or less 如果使用的玉米已经被过度干燥-高温烘干玉米,如果玉米水分为11%或更低值得怀疑 2. Steam has too much condensate moisture in it冷凝水 蒸汽含有太多的冷凝水 3. Feed is heat sensitive – i.e., sugar or whey热敏饲料 饲料是热敏饲料-例如:糖或乳清粉 4. Operator not maximizing use of steam 操作者没有最佳化使用蒸汽 5. Mash moisture before conditioning is too high 调质前粉料水分太高 6. Steam harness and header not to standard蒸汽管线总称 蒸汽管线和分汽缸不标准 7. Less than 15 second retention time 调质时间低于15s 8. Regulating pressure below 70 PSI 进入减压阀之前1psi=1lb/in2=0.0703kg/cm2--------减压阀之后28psi 进入减压阀之前压力低于70PSI 9. Dry mash temperature is too low 干粉料温度太低(如在北方)
V. MASH MOISTURE TOO LOW 调质后粉料水份太低 1. Not hydrating 没有水合作用 2. Dry ingredients in formulas – i.e., high mineral control 配方中干原料-例如:高矿物质 3. Less than 15 second retention time 调质时间低于15s 4. Improper steam addition and/or pressure 不当的蒸汽添加和/或蒸汽压力 5. Faulty pressure regulator减压阀失去作用 减压阀失去作用
W. COOLER EXIT TEMP TOO HIGH 冷却器出口饲料温度太高 1. Not enough CFM – 1,000 CFM/ton 风量不够-1,000 CFM/ton 2. Screens blocked隔栅堵塞 冷却器隔栅堵塞 3. Too low retention time – bed depth too thick or too thin 停留时间太短-料床太厚或太薄 4. Pellet discharge to cooler bed not sealed with product resulting in air flow through the top of the cooler 颗粒排料到冷却器时隔栅密封不好导致气流穿过冷却器顶部 5. Very high ambient temperature 环境温度非常高 6. Improper plenum on cooler so air is pulled only from one spot – i.e., Farr Better 冷却器内气流从一点被排出. 7. Ducting plugged风管堵塞 风管堵塞 8. Air lock baffle belts worn 关风器挡板磨损 9. Bed uneven across cooler pans 冷却器隔栅的料床不平均 10. Screen not covered due to pellet mill starting and stopping 由于制粒机启动或关闭时冷却器隔栅不能被关闭 11. Fan damper set wrong风机风门设置 风机风门设置错误 12. Product hung up in cooler 冷却器内物价改革料结拱 13. Cube stuck in cooler bindicator – runs all the time冷却器料位器堵塞---总是运行 冷却器料位器堵塞---总是运行 14. Cooler too small 冷却器太小 15. Ambient high humidity 相对环境湿度太高
X. COOLER EXIT MOISTURE TOO HIGH 冷却后出料水分太高 1. Not enough CFM – 1,000 CFM/ton 风量不够-1,000 CFM/ton 2. Screens blocked 冷却器隔栅堵塞 3. Too low retention time – bed depth too thick or too thin 停留时间太短-料床太后或太薄 4. Too much hydration 水合作用过分 5. Too high moisture in ingredients – probably added not found moisture 原料水分太高-可能加不进去水分 6. Duct plugged 风管堵塞 7. Too much molasses/fat 糖蜜/油脂太多 8. Bed uneven across pan 隔栅料床不均 9. High relative humidity 相对湿度过高 10. Cooler or fan set for pellets and running cubes 生产粒料和立方颗粒料时, 冷却器或风机设置无差别 11. Sensory probes not correctly set, poor retention time 传感器设置不正确,停留时间短 12. Water content in molasses product too high 糖蜜水分含量太高
Y. UNEVEN DIE WEAR 环模磨损不均匀 1. Feed plows improperly set导料犁--- 导料犁设置不正确 2. Die relief not correct环模释放孔 环模释放孔不对 3. Tramp metal 铁杂太多 4. Too little production (plows are set for average productivity) 产品产量太少(批次短)-喂料犁设置为平均生产率的设置 5. Holes in roller plate worn 压辊磨损面有洞 6. Some die holes rolled 一些环模孔被碾塞 7. Dimple rolls wear more even 蜂窝状压辊磨损变平 8. Rolls and dies not matched 压辊和环模不匹配 9. Mainshaft loose/worn bearing主轴松动---主轴轴承珠子磨损 间隙0.015mm 主轴松动---主轴轴承磨损
Z. BROKEN DIES 环模破裂 1. Tramp metal in die 环模内部镶嵌铁杂质太多 2. Worn or loose die changes – or both 环模更换时环模已磨损或松动-或两者都有 3. Poor die metallurgy 环模冶金技术太差 4. Die too thin for product (feedlot, mineral) 对产品而言环模太薄(饲料品种、矿物质等) 5. Bearing worn on main quill bearing 主滚针轴承磨损 6. Shear pin assembly doesn’t work 安全梢不工作 7. Wrong hole pattern for product mix – i.e., heavy duty pattern for feedlot feeds 对生产组合产品而言,环模模孔排列方式-例如:生产饲育场饲料时,环模的模孔的重载排列方式 8. Worn die wear ring 环模的安装压环磨损 9. Die not flushed when stopped 停机时环模没有冲洗 10. Shear pins not centered/wrong shear pins 安全梢不居中/错误的安全梢选形 11. Feed plow set incorrectly 喂料犁设置不正确 12. Relief too small减压孔太小 减压孔太小 13. Rolls and die don’t match 压辊和环模不匹配 14. Die clamps worn 环模抱箍磨损 15. Die holes plugged 环模孔堵塞 16. Worn quill flange 轴承滚珠保持法兰磨损 17. Poor quality die 环模质量差 18. Rollover 环模碾塞 19. Hitting die with metal hammer 金属锤敲击环模 20. Product separation on high rock formulas 生产高矿物饲料时,产品分极 AA. DIE HOLES ROLLED 环模孔碾塞 1. Rolls set too tight 压辊装的太紧 2. Die out of round 环模失圆(不同心,变形) 3. Roll/die metallurgy 压辊/环模冶金技术 4. Improper centerfielder RPM 不当的中心喂料器转速 5. Old rolls with new die 旧压辊配新环模 6. Wrong rolls or set-up – Use open on up side and closed on down side 压辊错误或设置错误-如设置为-一边开一边闭的压辊 |