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Betaine HCL对于人体的作用

发表于 2010-5-5 10:23:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Get The Best
Betaine HCL
􀁺 Necessary for adequate absorption of
protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and iron
􀁺 Natural plant-source hydrochloric acid
Not animal source (which may contain
prions, chemical residues, death hormones,
􀁺 Does not contain pepsin
(Pepsin is derived from an animal’s intestines
and may contain contaminants)
􀁺 100% pure vegetable capsules
No toxic tablets or gelatin capsules with
undesirable binders and fillers

Do You Have Low Hydrochloric Acid?
Betaine hydrochloride is also known as hydrochloric acid (HCl) or stomach acid. It helps digest food by
breaking up fats and proteins. The low pH of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid also destroys ingested bacteria
and other microorganisms. Adequate levels of HCl are necessary for adequate absorption of protein, calcium,
vitamin B12 and iron.
Healthy stomach acid is needed for a healthy digestive tract. If you have low stomach acid, even the best
food cannot be properly digested. If you are unable to absorb nutrients properly, this can lead to terrible health
problems. Healthy stomach acid helps kill disease-causing microbes and parasites routinely found in food you
eat. If you have low stomach acid, these infecting invaders may not be destroyed by your stomach’s acid bath.
They can then cause many types of infections. Now you can see why low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) is
associated with so many common health problems. If these infections are not cleared, over time they can cause
many symptoms, paving the way for full-blown diseases. (See charts below.)

Common Symptoms Of Low Hydrochloric Acid
􀁺 Bloating or belching, especially after eating
􀁺 Burning in the stomach, especially after
􀁺 Fullness or heaviness in the stomach after
􀁺 Nausea after eating or taking supplements
􀁺 Intestinal gas
􀁺 Indigestion
􀁺 Bad breath
􀁺 Food allergies
􀁺 Itching around the rectum
􀁺 Diarrhea or constipation
􀁺 Weak or cracked fingernails
􀁺 Dilated blood vessels in the cheeks or nose
(in nonalcoholics)
􀁺 Skin break-outs or acne
􀁺 Iron deficiency
􀁺 Chronic intestinal parasites
􀁺 Undigested food in the stool
􀁺 Chronic candida infection
Do You Have Low Hydrochloric Acid?
Betaine hydrochloride is also known as hydrochloric acid (HCl) or stomach acid. It helps digest food by
breaking up fats and proteins. The low pH of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid also destroys ingested bacteria
and other microorganisms. Adequate levels of HCl are necessary for adequate absorption of protein, calcium,
vitamin B12 and iron.
Healthy stomach acid is needed for a healthy digestive tract. If you have low stomach acid, even the best
food cannot be properly digested. If you are unable to absorb nutrients properly, this can lead to terrible health
problems. Healthy stomach acid helps kill disease-causing microbes and parasites routinely found in food you
eat. If you have low stomach acid, these infecting invaders may not be destroyed by your stomach’s acid bath.
They can then cause many types of infections. Now you can see why low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) is
associated with so many common health problems. If these infections are not cleared, over time they can cause
many symptoms, paving the way for full-blown diseases. (See charts below.)
􀁺 Dysbiosis (overgrowth of unhealthy intestinal bacteria)

Diseases Associated With Low Hydrochloric Acid
􀁺 Asthma
􀁺 Diabetes
􀁺 Osteoporosis
􀁺 Arthritis
􀁺 Hepatitis
􀁺 Eczema
􀁺 Acne rosacea
􀁺 Psoriasis
􀁺 Gallbladder disease
􀁺 Herpes
􀁺 Hives
􀁺 Hyperthyroid
􀁺 Hypothyroid
􀁺 Thyrotoxicosis
􀁺 Autoimmune disorders
􀁺 Lupus erythematosus
􀁺 Myasthenia gravis
􀁺 Pernicious anemia
􀁺 Celiac disease
􀁺 Sjogren’s Syndrome

Are You Confused?
Are you confused about pH? A healthy acid/alkaline balance of
your body is the key to great health. When your body is functioning
in top form, the digestive tract alternates back and forth between an
alkaline and acid pH. Digestion starts in the mouth (which works
optimally at an alkaline pH). Moving downwards, digestion in the
stomach requires an acid pH. Next, the small intestines need an
alkaline pH. Finally the large intestine works best in a slightly acid
If any segment fails to keep its proper pH, then the segment
before or after it can begin to malfunction. For example, the
stomach works best at a low acid pH. If the stomach can’t produce
enough stomach acid, then it becomes too alkaline. This in turn, can
cause the small intestines (which should be alkaline) to become too
Low Stomach Acid
For many people, as they get older, the parietal cells in the stomach
lining produce less and less hydrochloric acid. This is especially
true of those who eat: 1) heavily cooked foods (which have no live
enzymes), 2) difficult-to-digest foods such as red meat or fried
foods, 3) chemicalized foods, such as those containing artificial
preservatives and additives, 4) soft drinks, which contain high
amounts of phosphorus, white sugar, and immune-stressing
chemicals and 5) barbequed foods, which cause high digestive
stress. (The blackened areas of the food contain carcinogenic
[cancer-causing] agents.)
People Over Age 60
Over 50% of the people over age 60 have low stomach acid. By age
85, 80% have low stomach acid. These are shocking statistics.
Healthy stomach acid is crucial to digest food properly in order to
maintain good health. Hydrochloric acid is one of your body’s first
line defenses against disease-causing microbes. Weak stomach
acid allows infecting organisms (that would normally be killed by
the acid) to get past the stomach and set up infections in other areas.
They can cause food poisoning and dysbiosis of the intestinal tract
(abnormal overgrowth of unhealthy intestinal microbes).
For people aged 60 to 80, over 20% have bacterial overgrowth
in the intestines. Over age 80, the percentage increases to 40%. This
abnormal bacterial overgrowth is also common in younger people.
It is linked to low stomach acid as well as eating a nutrient-poor diet,
using antibiotics or pain killers, drinking excess alcohol and other
factors. Thus, healthy stomach acid is a critical part of maintaining
healthy intestines.
Getting The Minerals and Vitamins In
Adequate hydrochloric acid is necessary to absorb vitamin B12.
B12 deficiency can cause muscle weakness, fatigue and many
nervous system problems. Healthy stomach acid is also required to
absorb many minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
copper and most B-complex vitamins. Those with poor stomach
acid typically have low vitamin C levels.
Exhausted Stomach Acid
Adequate amounts of stomach acid are necessary to break down
protein. That’s why overeating meat, especially cooked red meat, is
hard on the stomach -- it uses up the stomach’s acid and enzymes
very quickly. Eating red meat day after day can exhaust the
stomach’s ability to build up sufficient amounts of hydrochloric
acid. Your best bet is to limit or eliminate red meat in your diet.
Instead, enjoy an excellent, high quality protein source -- edible

Shiitake Fillet
Reinvigorate your digestion by choosing easy-to-digest protein
sources. Enjoy high quality protein from mushrooms such as fresh,
grade 10 shiitake or maitake. They are easy to prepare and cook,
absolutely delicious and contain natural immune-boosting factors
that improve your energy levels and vitality. In contrast, red meat
is difficult to digest and contains arachidonic acid which
encourages inflammatory by-products which can lead to joint
pain, fatigue and osteoporosis.
Acid Stomach
Low stomach acid can cause indigestion. Believe or not, too little
stomach acid is the most common cause of an acid stomach, not
excess acid. Some people take antacids to relieve the
uncomfortable acid feeling in their stomachs (common after eating
high protein or high fat meals). But the vast majority of those with
an “acid stomach” suffer from not enough acid. They simply can’t
digest what they’ve eaten. For some, an antacid may temporarily
relieve a queasy stomach, but in the long run, regular use of
antacids makes the problem worse.
Conquering The Queasy Stomach
If you suffer from an acid stomach, avoid high protein meals,
especially red meat. Instead of antacids, begin taking quality
digestive enzymes at the end of each large meal, whether you have
pain or not. [Do not take hydrochloric acid if you have an ulcer.]
Be sure you have adequate daily salt intake (from natural sea
salt). The chloride fraction in salt is essential for your body to
make hydrochloric acid. That’s why a low-salt diet commonly
leads to poor digestion over time.
9 Steps To Super Digestion
To ensure a healthy digestive tract, adopt the following healthy
1) Eat a diet rich in grade 10, fresh vegetables (an excellent form
of healthy fiber).
2) Eat grade 10 whole starches daily, such as grade 10 brown rice
and buckwheat (also excellent healthy fiber).
3) Use healthy, pink sea salt daily, added to your food.
4) Limit or eliminate your red meat consumption.
5) Enjoy high-protein, edible mushrooms, such as easy-to-digest,
delicious grade 10 shiitake and maitake.
6) Do not eat meals past 7 P.M.
7) Take premier quality betaine HCL at the end of each main meal
with cooked food.
8) Take adequate amounts of state-of-the-art super-nutrients,
including Sango marine coral minerals (rich in ionized calcium
and other minerals), U.S.P. grade cod liver oil (rich in vitamin
D and brain nutrients), and high quality antioxidants (potent
protectors against free radical damage from pollutants).
9) Go on a one-month cleansing program by taking daily doses of
two top grade 10 super-greens: sun-grown chlorella and
premier quality coriander leaf powder. These can help
dramatically chelate out toxic heavy metals and other
undesirable contaminants that hinder and congest your
digestive tract.
L I T E R A T U R E S E A R C H S E R V I C E S 􀁺 S A N T A M O N I C A , C A 9 0 4 0 3
Crook, W., The Yeast Connection, Professional Books, Jackson, TN, 1989.
Hobbs, C., Medicinal Mushrooms, Interweave Press, Loveland, CO, 1996.
Lipski, E., Digestive Wellness, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT, 1996.
Price, W., Diet and Physical Degeneration, Keats Publ, New Cannan, CT, first
publ. 1938.
Robbins, J., Diet for a New America, Stillpoint Publ., Walpole, NH, l987.


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