发表于 2009-2-9 16:17:11
yangzhaojun 发表于 2009-2-9 11:22
Fraction A is assumed to be completely degraded in the rumen (i.e., all RDP). This fraction is generally measured as the percentage of CP that escapes from the bag during an initial presoak period in 39°C tap water. It includes NPN, rapidly solubilized protein, and protein in particles of smaller size than the porosity of the nylon bags. Fraction B is that portion of the insoluble CP associated with particle sizes greater than the pore size of the bag that is "potentially degradable." It is that percentage of the original CP that disappears from the bag with unlimited exposure to fermentation. In most cases, unlimited fermentation refers to a defined endpoint of 48 to 72 h depending on the feed type. The NRC (2001) suggests that samples be incubated for 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 h (72 h for forages). The amount of fraction B that is degraded in the rumen depends on competing Kd of fraction B and the passage rate (Kp) of undigested feed. Fraction C is assumed to be undegradable in the rumen (i.e., all RUP). Ruminally undegradable protein is that percentage of the original CP remaining in the bag at the defined endpoint of degradation. The equations for computing RDP and RUP values (percentage of CP) are RDP = A + B[Kd/(Kd + Kp)] and RUP = CP – RDP, or B[Kp/(Kd + Kp)] + C.