第22期:饲喂中链和长链脂肪酸甘油酯对体重轻的新生仔猪存活率的影响 作者:J. Casellasa,*, X. Casasc, J. Piedrafitaa, X. Mantecab aDepartament de Cie`ncia Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain bDepartament de Biolog ́ıa Cel lular, de Fisiologia i d’Immunologia, Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, 08193Bellaterra,Barcelona,Spain cDivasa Farmavic S.A., 08503 Gurb-Vic, Barcelona, Spain 来源:Preventive Veterinary Medicine 67 (2005) 213–221 翻译:肠动力研究院 梁琦 摘要 通过分类生存分析法研究了508头仔猪的断奶前存活率,评估添加中链-长链脂肪酸甘油酯(MCT-LCT)对体重轻的新生仔猪的影响,并确定了其他影响因素。出生体重(BW)<1250 g的98头仔猪中有一半在出生的前3天内每天饲喂1.95 g MCT-LCT,与未喂食的另一半的仔猪相比,其死亡风险降低了1.9倍。饲喂MCT-LCT的这批仔猪的死亡风险率(HR)与同批出生体重较重的410头仔猪相比差异不显著。然而,与同群体重较重的仔猪相比,出生体重较轻的新生仔猪的死亡风险率(HR)为2.8,并且出生活仔数高于12头的窝群HR为4.5。在几个月的实验过程中,来自初产母猪的仔猪提高了死亡风险率(HR = 4.0)。
以下是实验中相关图表 表1:乳化的中链和长链脂肪酸甘油脂的脂肪酸组成检测 图1:研究期间仔猪死亡的分布图 表2:从出生到死亡或断奶的仔猪数量的分析,死亡数量,和死亡率(HR) 图2:根据出生体重和能量供应,分析仔猪从出生到断奶的存活函数。NS:不添加;S:添加。注释:其余的重要因素分别为:2003年7月分娩批次,> 12头窝群的活仔猪,第三次分娩的母猪和正常的相对出生体重。 启示 该研究表明集中补充低剂量的MCT-LCT给出生体重较轻的那部分仔猪,能够提高出生体重最轻的仔猪从出生到21日龄的存活率。 Abstract The pre-weaning survival of 508 piglets was studied with a categorical survival analysis, evaluating the effect of medium–long-chain triglyceride (MCT–LCT) supplementation on small newborn pigs, and determining additional risk factors. Half of the 98 piglets born with birth weight (BW) < 1250 g received 1.95 g of MCT–LCT each 24 h during the first 3 days of life, and their death hazard was reduced 1.9-fold in relation with small unsupplemented siblings. The death hazard ratio (HR) of supplemented animals compared to 410 heavier littermates was not different. However, the HR for newborn pigs that were small in relation with their siblings was 2.8, and the HR for litters with >12 piglets born alive was 4.5. There was variation across months, and also piglets from primiparous sows had increased hazard of death (HR = 4.0). Keywords: Pig-feeding and nutrition; Energetic supplement; Medium-chain fatty acids; Pre-weaning mortality; Survival analysis Conclusion Our results suggest that concentrating the supplementation on a relatively small proportion of piglets and with a reduced dose of MCT–LCT we can improve survival to day 21 of the smallest piglets. 转自:肠动力 |
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