2015. J. Anim. Sci. 93(9): 4424-4435 蓝耳病病毒对猪生长性能、饲料利用率以及粪污气体排放的影响 M. M. Li, K. M. Seelenbinder, M. A. Ponder, L. Deng, R. P. Rhoads, K. D. Pelzer, J. S. Radcliffe, C. V. Maxwell, J. A. Ogejo和M. D. Hanigan 本试验的主要目的在于研究蓝耳病病毒感染和免疫接种对猪生长性能、日粮利用率、粪污产量、以及粪污池CO2, CH4, H2S, N2O和NH3排放的影响。试验选用48头21日龄断奶仔猪,随机分为4组,试验处理为2(蓝耳病攻毒与否)×2(蓝耳病免疫接种与否)双因素设计。记录体重、采食量、粪污产量,50-78日龄以及试验结束后24天内每天记录粪污产气量。不论是否免疫接种,蓝耳病病毒感染都能显著降低末重、日增重、采食量(P<0.01),以及酸性洗涤纤维(ADF,P=0.05)和粗脂肪(P=0.02)的利用率。试验处理对粪污产量、粪污pH值、木质素利用率和氮沉积无显著影响。蓝耳病感染的猪只其粪污CO2排放量显著增加(P=0.01)。免疫接种和病毒感染对粪污N2O产量有互作作用:无论是否被病毒感染,免疫接种的猪只粪污N2O产量没有显著区别,而病毒感染却对未免疫接种的猪只粪污N2O产量(气体产量/头猪)有影响。同样试验处理对H2S和N2O(气体产量/kg挥发性固体粪污产量)有互作影响(分别为P=0.01和0.0001),与上一结果(每头猪N2O产量)相似:免疫接种猪只不论是否感染其气体排放率无显著差异。蓝耳病病毒感染提高了氮排放(N2O形式)/kg粪污总氮(P=0.03)。总之,试验结果表明蓝耳病病毒感染可以降低生长速度和营养物质利用率,同时增加粪污气体排放量。 Effects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus on pig growth, diet utilization efficiency, and gas release from stored manure M. M. Li, K. M. Seelenbinder, M. A. Ponder, L. Deng, R. P. Rhoads, K. D. Pelzer, J. S. Radcliffe, C. V. Maxwell, J. A. Ogejo and M. D. Hanigan The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection and vaccination on pig growth, dietary nutrient efficiency of utilization, manure output, and emissions of CO2, CH4, H2S, N2O, and NH3 gases from stored manure. Forty-eight pigs, aged 21 d at the start of the study, were subjected to 1 of 4 treatment combinations arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design with main factors of PRRSV vaccination and PRRSV infection. Body weight, ADFI, manure output, and nutrient efficiency of utilization were assessed and gas emissions from stored manure were determined daily from 50 to 78 d of age and for 24 d after completion of the animal phase. Infection with PRRSV markedly reduced final BW, ADG, and ADFI (P < 0.01) and reduced efficiencies of ADF and ether extract utilization (P = 0.05 and P = 0.02, respectively) regardless of vaccination status. No significant treatment effects were found on manure output, manure pH, efficiencies of lignin utilization, and N retention. Infecting pigs with PRRSV increased daily manure CO2 emission per pig (P = 0.01). There was an interaction between immunization and infection for N2O per pig with manure from uninfected, vaccinated pigs producing as much as the manure from infected, vaccinated pigs whereas there was a difference by PRRSV infection state for nonvaccinated pigs. There were also interactions between treatments for H2S and N2O emissions per kilogram of manure volatile solids excreted (P = 0.01 and P = 0.0001, respectively) with the same pattern as for N2O per pig; that is, the vaccinated pigs had similar rates of emission regardless of infection state. Pigs infected with PRRSV increased N2O nitrogen per kilogram of total N excreted compared with noninfected groups (P = 0.03). Collectively, these results indicated that PRRSV infection caused decreased growth rates and nutrient utilization efficiency and increased gas emissions from stored manure。 本文由上海亘泰企业提供。 |